You Are Her Lamb, She is Your God

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As whisp of smoke went through my vision. Blocking what was infront of me, it was blinding me, really. A foul smell coming infront of me made my scrunch my nose.

'Not the most welcoming I see.. Have I perharps gone to hell?'

I muttered to myself, it was unnerving to see nothing infront of me, as if there would be another tentacle reaching for me. Strangling me once again and leading me for an hour of torture. I felt uncomfortable.

I then hear a creak of a door. I can see the fog clearing away. The image infront of me became more and more visible in every second. I could see a rusty, metal door infront of me. I look around me to see a rainforest, similar near the orphanage. The smell of blood reeks in this forest.

Inside the door was a shadowy figure with long hair. As i look closer to the figure infront of me. It was girl, in her probably in her twenties, with long white hair, pale skin; black tattoo's covering her whole body. Almost everything she wore was a mix of white and sky blue. The most prominent feature she had was that she had purple eyes that shift to red when she looked at me. A violet gem engraved in her forehead.

She step closer to me. Saying nothing. I back up away from her yet she keeps stepping towards me. With a blink of an eye the enire rainforest disappeared.

All there was left was a bedroom. Rugs and blankets all of the wall and floor and a big fluffy bed with many pillows. All it were either black, violet of a muted pink. Hints of yellow were there.

As the figure walked towards me i felt as if i couldn't move at all.

"What a poor unfortunate soul, don't worry, ill take care of you."

She said to me. A discomforting feeling i felt upon this figure has had me puzzled.

'who is she?"

'where did she come from?'

Mountains of questions start to fill me mind about this girl. Curiosity takes over me.
She steps closer near me.

"Here, have a seat."

"What?" I said, dumbfounded

"Have. A. Seat. " She said to me sternly.

She grabbed a fancy-looking chair with cushions as soft as a lamb's wool. I sat down the chair. There was a circular table infront of me. She took a tea cup and tea pot, She then poured hot tea in the cup and gave it to me. She sat in the chair in the opposite end of me.
"I can assure that you don't know me yet, don't you? ?" She spoke to me "Ah yes, should i know? " i said to her, tensed up.

"Not yet my follower"


I grew more and more questions and curiosity about this figure.

"All you need to know about me is that, I am your god. You are my lamb. My sister. a horrible person, has perhaps ended you life. I brought you here."

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