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The year is 6022, and humanity has evolved beyond recognition. After centuries of exploration and technological advancements, humans have now colonized not just one, but four planets in our solar system. Earth, Mars, and Jupiter have all been successfully terraformed, but it is Venus that has become known as the most advanced and prosperous planet in the galaxy.

The civilization on Venus has thrived, with vast cities and futuristic architecture dominating the once desolate and uninhabitable planet. The people here have adapted to Venus' harsh environment, constructing complex and efficient systems to control the extreme temperatures and atmospheric conditions.

The humans on Venus have also unlocked the full potential of their brains, allowing them to tap into other abilities and harness them for their daily lives. Telekinesis, mind reading, and teleportation are all common skills among the Venusian population.

But among all of this advanced society, there is one mystery that continues to intrigue and perplex the inhabitants of Venus. A girl, whose identity is shrouded in secrecy, has been spotted harnessing abilities far beyond what anyone has ever seen. She wears all black, from head to toe, and her face is always covered by a mask, making it impossible to see what she truly looks like.

Rumors and theories spread like wildfire about this mysterious girl. Some believe she is the key to unlocking even more advanced abilities, while others fear her as a dangerous anomaly that must be stopped.

The Venusian Chronicles: Life on Venus in the year of 6022Where stories live. Discover now