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From my vantage point on the top of the tall building, I could see everything that was happening on the busy streets below. People bustling about their daily lives, unaware of the supernatural beings that roamed among them. As a shape-shifter, I could blend in easily with the humans, but my unique abilities made me a target for those who sought revenge.

A group of individuals with abilities similar to mine were closing in on the building, their intention to apprehend me evident in their determined strides. They were after me because I had absorbed some of their friends' powers, making me a formidable force to be reckoned with.

But I couldn't help but smirk at their foolishness. They should be grateful to me for keeping their friends safe within me. After all, I had not only absorbed their powers but also their memories, ensuring that they would never be forgotten.

From my hiding place, I observed them closely, studying their every move. There was one man in particular who caught my attention. I had met him at a bar a few nights ago and had thought him to be wise and friendly. Little did I know, he was the mastermind behind this revenge plot.

The man was discussing their plans with the group, his eyes sneaking cautious glances towards the building where I was hiding. I could almost hear his thoughts, suspecting that I had utilized one of his gifts - a clever trick. But what he didn't know was that I could do much more than just manipulate objects with my mind.

I had lived for centuries, and with age came wisdom and powers beyond imagination. I had learned to harness the abilities of others and magnify them to my advantage. And that's exactly what I had done with their friend's peculiarity-creating an unlimited number of clones, I chose to replicate only one of his friends, the one with the most extraordinary ability. With my mind still on the clones, I descended from the building, walking confidently towards the group of individuals.

As I walked, I adopted the persona of their friend, blending in seamlessly with his mannerisms and quirks. When I reached them, their puzzled gazes fixated on me, likely bewildered by the unexpected return of their friend.

"Why are you all here?" I asked, using their friend's voice, causing their eyes to widen in shock.

"Anyway, I figured we had different plans than hanging out in this dim alley. Let's head to the bar and continue the fun," I cheerfully suggested, emulating the joyful demeanor of their friend.

Shock registered on their faces, but soon the realization dawned upon them. They knew that their friend's ability could not replicate itself, so there was only one explanation - I had absorbed his power.

"Wait, what? Elith, we thought you were gone. It's been days, and we feared the lady in the black mask had taken you," they exclaimed in surprise.

I walk towards them and explain why I have been gone. I used their friend's last memory to gained their trust.

"So why you're gone for days?, We thought we lose you." .

I smiled, satisfied with my performance. I walked towards them and explained why I had been absent for days. I used their friend's last memory to gain their trust.

"I'm sorry for disappearing like that. The lady in the black mask did capture me, but I managed to escape and absorb her power. That's why I've been gone for days. But I'm back now, and we can continue our adventures," I explained, my voice filled with a newfound confidence.

They were initially taken aback by my revelation, but soon the realization dawned upon them. They were just happy to have their friend back, and they quickly embraced me in a group hug.

As we walked towards the bar, they bombarded me with questions about my trip and how I managed to escape the lady in the black mask. I answered them with ease, using my newfound ability to enhance and embellish my story.

Ever since that moment, I had been using their friend's influence to my advantage. It was a simple process, really. All I had to do was mimic her behavior and effortlessly integrate it into my own character. At first, it was just a way for me to fit in and make friends, but as time went on, I realized the true power of their distinctive traits.

You see, they were incredibly intelligent, and they always asked me challenging questions. At first, I struggled to come up with answers, but then I had an epiphany. I understood that if I couldn't give them the answers they were looking for, I could assimilate their peculiarities into my own, and it worked like a charm.

But now, I was faced with a bigger challenge. Dealing with their intelligence was one thing, but dealing with my own cursed abilities was a whole other ball game. I needed to gather more unique abilities to avoid being haunted by my curse. That's when I came up with a plan.

I knew of five men who possessed extraordinary abilities. They were said to be able to last for weeks without encountering anyone in their dark facade and red eyes. It was perfect. I just needed to capture one of them and make them stop this cursed of mine.

As I approached the first of the five men, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and fear. His dark aura was killing, and I could feel it pulling me in. I had to focus on my goal.

Using my newly acquired abilities, I managed to capture the man and make him stop his cursed ways. It was a thrilling experience, one that gave me a sense of control over my own curse. And with each of the other four men, it became easier and easier.

Leaping from the bed, I faced the blank ceiling. The encounter proved exhilarating, yet it drained me, necessitating the use of diverse peculiarities. Revealing my true identity and unique abilities is not an option, as it would undoubtedly bring about the downfall of civilization on Venus.

They have come this far, successfully colonizing Venus without assistance from celestial beings. My peculiarity has subjected humanity to numerous threats, such as comets striking their habitable planets already colonized, risking the end of the universe.

"You're a fool," he declares, enveloping the room in darkness once more. His presence is consistently marked by that ominous dark demeanor and his imminent red eyes.

"You see I'm busy." I retorted, dismissing his weighty presence.

"What are you busy with? Creating more threats for humans?" I shut my eyes, disregarding his inquiries.

"You've been foolish, causing chaos in this civilization. You should have grasped how to manage that curse. Despite your power, you remain powerless against your own curse."

As I opened my eyes, he vanished into thin air before I could reply, leaving me puzzled of his words.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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