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I was out of breath. The unusual void had once again accompanied me, making it hard for me to even take a single gasp of air. As I struggled for air, my eyes became blurry and I could feel my nose throbbing from the force of my heavy breathing. This was something that happened far too often, and every time it left me feeling weak and exhausted.

I knew I needed to harness a peculiar, or else I risked dying from this never-ending nightmare. But the problem was, I didn't know what that peculiar was. All I knew was that I needed it to survive, like how a fish needed water to breathe.

I cried out and screamed, my voice echoing in the empty void around me. Why did this have to happen to me? Why couldn't I just live a normal life like everyone else? But deep down, I knew that my fate was different from others. I was cursed with this condition, and it seemed like there was no escape from it.

As I slowly walked, trying to regain my composure, I could feel my body weakening with every step. Suddenly, I lost my balance and fell to my knees. That's when I saw Him - the tall figure with piercing red eyes and a sinister smile.

"You should rest for a while," He said, his voice cold and chilling. "You'll need to collect more peculiar to keep you alive. Be thankful that humans have evolved and unlocked the full potential of their brains. With their peculiarities, you'll be able to get what you need."

I looked at Him, confused and terrified. What did He mean by collecting peculiar from humans? I knew that there were people out there with extraordinary abilities, but I had never thought that I would have to take their peculiar just to survive.

"I...I can't do that," I stammered, my voice barely above a whisper.

"You have no choice," He said, his grin widening.
"If you want to survive, you'll have to do what it takes. And remember, time is running out.'

With that, He disappeared into the void, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I knew I couldn't continue like this - living in fear, constantly struggling for air. But was I willing to take something from another person, just to save myself?.

I had to make a decision, and I had to make it fast. The void was closing in on me, and I could feel my body getting weaker by the second. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, trying to calm my racing thoughts.

When I opened my eyes again, I knew what I had to do. It would be a difficult and dangerous journey, but it was the only way. I stood up, feeling determination coursing through my veins, and I set off into the unknown, ready to collect peculiar and fight for my life.

Observing the crowd below the towering structure, I noticed a man manipulating fire in his hand.

"Capture him," Whispered a tall figure, pressing his hand onto my shoulder and pushed me in the building. As the man disappeared within, I teleported behind him.

"Ianuae," I murmured, relocating the man to a dim alley. I attempted to make him face me and uttered a spell to force his mouth open. Closing my eyes, I absorbed the peculiar fire essence from the man, feeling my strength surge as I inhaled his unique abilities.

But it wasn't enough. I needed more. I continued my journey, using my newfound ability to teleport and absorb peculiar.

From a girl who could control plants to a boy who could turn invisible, I took a little bit from each person I encountered. It was a strange and unsettling feeling, taking something from someone without their consent.

But each time I did it, I reminded myself that it was for my own survival. As days turned into weeks, I could feel my body changing. My skin began to glow, and my eyes started to emit a bright light. I could feel the power coursing through my veins, and I knew that I had unlocked the full potential of my brain, just like He had said.

But with this newfound power came a heavy burden. Each time I took someone's peculiar, I could feel a small piece of their essence becoming a part of me. It was overwhelming and at times, it was almost suffocating. But I knew that I could not turn back now.

I stood at the edge of the void, facing Him once again. "What do you want from me now?" I asked, my voice filled with determination.

"You have proven yourself," He said, a hint of admiration in His voice.

"You have unlocked the full potential of your brain, and with that, you will be able to get what you need on your own."

"But what about the others?" I asked, thinking of all the people I had taken from.

"They will never remember you," He said, His voice cold and dismissive.

"But you will remember them, always. "

"And what about me?" I asked, a sense of fear creeping back into my heart.

"You will face consequences for your actions," He said, His gaze piercing into mine. "But for now, you are alive, and that is all that matters." With that, He disappeared once again, leaving me standing in the void. I knew that taking from others would always weigh heavy on my conscience, but I was also grateful for what I had done. I had survived, thanks to the peculiarities of humans, and I would never forget that.

The Venusian Chronicles: Life on Venus in the year of 6022Where stories live. Discover now