Chapter 2: A Gaping Hole

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As Rin left Miku's room, Miku felt an overload of loneliness re-enter her body as she continued to write, feeling weird and alone, this was a normal feeling for her and she had learned to deal with it, not showing any emotion and keeping the same face as she finished writing on her paper and putting in the folder for information about the members of More More Jump. Truly, Miku always wanted to go and talk to the people in Japan, but as a hologram she wasn't allowed and only purpose was to sing and dance, nothing else.
"I'm a hologram, I shouldn't be able to feel upset." Miku said to herself, ever since she was even created she had always felt...alone. She had fans from all over the world and could socialize with other virtual singers but interactions would usually get cut short due to needing to go to her practice room to practice or memorize lyrics. She barely had the time to speak with anyone, and even her conversation with Rin earlier felt rare, Miku had always just felt very alone and doubted it would ever get better, it felt weird that her-a hologram felt lonely.

Just then, Miku got a notification in her computer, it was a message from the Crypton Future Media reminding Miku that in 4 hours she had to preform a 3 hour show, Miku responded, confirming that she was aware and ready to go, the show stage was just an hour's drive away, so she called her personal driver to take her there as to not be late just incase there was a delay in traffic.
"Im ready to go." Miku texted her driver, the driver responded and Miku began walking outside to get driven to the show, she was expecting it to be just like any other show, although she was a bit energy depleted so Miku would have to try her best to not make it seem like she wasn't. As Miku stepped into the passengers seat she straightened her top with her hands and put on her seatbelt. The driver was used to driving Miku to shows, he had always found it a bit strange that he was driving around a hologram but he was able to get over it as it wasn't too weird and the pay was great for what he did.
Once Miku arrived at the back of the building she was going to have her show in and went backstage.
"I'm doing another show alone..." Miku said while sighing, Crypton had been making her do more solo shows and it had started to feel very quiet in the backstage, a feeling Miku had gotten used to. Miku quickly double checked everything and made sure she was using the right voice back, and once she confirmed she was she stepped onto the stage.

People were already chanting Miku's name and waving their glow sticks even before Miku came onto the stage, and once she did the cheers only got louder.
"HATSUNE MIKU! HATSUNE MIKU!" People screamed at the top of their lungs, jumping up and down and waving their glow sticks like crazy.
"Hello everybody, I'm excited to see you all!" Miku said, which only made the cheers louder, Miku didn't mind however as she was technically a hologram and didn't have senses. After a bit, Miku finally started preforming, shutting everybody up and admiring Miku and her voice, Miku first sang some of her classics which were tell your world and rolling girl but also sang a lot of newer songs after, such as White happy, cutlery and many others. The crowd would light up with each new songs and Miku would try her best to power through them all, not showing a sign of being tired because her fans can never know how alone and sad she feels, never.
"It was so nice to meet you all!" Miku sang happily, even after tons of shows alone, it always felt weird to say goodbye by herself.
"I missed when I could say goodbye with the others..." Miku thought to herself, she used to do a lot of shows with other virtual singers but as the years went on the amount of people Miku performed with decreased and the amount of shows slowly increased, leaving her all alone on a vast stage meant for many.

The car drive back to Crypton headquarters was quiet like usual, but this time it felt weirdly awkward for some reason,
like somebody was supposed to say something but didn't Miku had only ever said please and thank you to her driver, so why did it feel so weird?
"...crypton would like to have a meeting with you soon." The driver finally said, clearing the air of awkwardness.
"...when?" Miku replied, what would Crypton want with her at the moment?
"I don't know, I'm sure they'll text you in advance however." The driver responded professionally, keeping his monotone voice.
"...I'll make sure to follow up with them once they send an e-mail." Miku replied, ending the conversation and getting out of the car into the Crypton Future media building, and going to her room to do her favorite pastime, watch and write.

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