Alida's Bio

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Name: Aldia Bourquin

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Name: Aldia Bourquin.

Codename: Pontiff.

Nicknames: Phrenapartes, Burner of Hercynia

Gender: Identifies as Male.

Race: NHP = Non-Human-Person (Alien Paracausal AI dumded down for humans to understand and use)

Age: Is not affected by age. As far as he knows, his current form has "lived" for 5496 years.

Appearance: Inhabits a bio-mechanical body that has very thin and long limbs. is about 8 foot tall (Around 240cm). Has pale white/ash skin and marble white smooth, long hair. His body is almost entirely covered by thick white robes/coat with loose red cloth stripes on top of his shoulders as decoration. His face and ice blue eyes are covered by an almost stone-like mask.

For more casual use and less cumbersome clothing he can wear a white suit, white pants, white gloves and keeping his mask.

His voice sounds ancient and distorted as if scrambled and mixed with the voices of many others. (Sounds like Aldia Scholar of the first sin form Dark Souls)

Personality: An endless hunger for knowledge and optimization derived from the very core of his being as he originally was designed to manage and oversee projects for the god that created him and his countless "siblings". Employs ruthless efficient tactics aimed to inflict as much damage as possible on the battlefield but often takes on a more leading role than frontline fighting.

Enjoys watching flowers and silence but also takes pride and joy in fixing messes after others.


Speed - Compared to others his speed while traveling larger distances can be seen as lackluster but his body is still capable of similiar speeds of some of the faster members of the faction in short bursts. His reaction time and ability to analyze and comprehend evolving situations is superb making him deceptively dangerous in close quarters even though his body's large size.

Strength - Lacks in combat strength as he focuses more on a leading and managing role withing the faction but can defend himself if need be.

Durability: His body is very durable being able to absorb and shrug of otherwise crippling blows and damage since his body only serves the purpose of movement. He has no vital organs because of his nature as an paracausal artificial intelligence.

Stammina - Unlimited thanks to the semi-mechanical body structure.

Healing - Healing nano-machines are stored within his bio-mechanical body which gives him an enhanced regenerative capability enhancing his durability further.

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