Chapter 3: Spirits and Affiliations

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It has been some time after the Spacequake hit, and Raptor Machina are planning to descend in order to get affiliated with Ratatoskr, and by extent the JSDF, as the AST belong to the Japanese Military. As Bird steered the Nemesis to get close to the impact zone, the secret teleporter within the ship activated.. revealing another member of the faction..

 revealing another member of the faction

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Bird: (Turns around) "..Oh, Alida?"

Alida: "..Yes, it is me, Bird. Sorry to keep you waiting.. the mineral extraction sure had.. some problems."

His voice sounded like multiple people mashed into a single abomination, but that didn't startle Raptor Machina. Despite that voice and appearance, he was a kind being, often hungering for knowledge and optimization, which might sound a bit uncanny to many.

Bird: "..Well, now that you're here... We got something to do now. You see, in this universe, there are supernatural, very powerful beings called Spirits. While we'll tackle the one that showed up, you'll be in charge of collecting anything it drops after battle. Sounds good?"

Alida: "Wonderful! So much knowledge to learn from those Spirits.."

Bird: "..Good to know. Now, let's roll."

As Bird placed the ship on Autpilot, he requested to sent out CATAPRHACTs while he went to pilot his Mobile Suit. As the mentioned Tanks and JUNKERs were being sent out, Bird was climbing into the Cockpit, activating it's systems to now operate.

Bird: (Intercoms) "..James, is the AST there?"

James: (Intercoms) "..Not yet."

Bird: "..Good."

The Mobile Suit's light glowed red as it was getting prepared to be sent out. Once the gate fully opened, the thrusters allowed the Unicorn Gundam Dracos to take flight in a hurry. The CATAPHRACTs are slowly being put on the ground to avoid damages and maybe casualties, as Foot Soldiers prepared to fight off Tohka, otherwise Princess.

Bird: "Alright, activating N-TD mode!"

Suddenly, the Mobile Suit began morphing from it's usual, average appearance.. into something completely else; a Gundam.

 into something completely else; a Gundam

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Raptor Machina: Start of a FactionWhere stories live. Discover now