Do You Cry? (1/13/24)

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Lying on aged lilac sheets

Playing the games we used to love

Hold so dearly

In the yard

Pretending we are people

We are not

Smoke from the adults' cigarettes

Carry into the wind

Inhaled into your lungs

It got the best of you

I cannot pretend anymore

Or play games

In the yard where pine needles pierce my bare feet

I  find my heart in pieces

I was lied to on

Aged lilac sheets

They are stained

Tattered, torn, forlorn


The divided sky's canvas

Haunts my irises to this day

I once cried

I reminisce to the lilac skies

On nights where I lie alone

Seldom I think of you

Yet when I do

I wonder

Do you cry?

Did you ever cry, too?

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