Episode 4: THE ASK HER OUT

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After being casual with Vivian for 2 weeks I decided to ask her out I wanted to do this earlier before now but after hearing the report from my classmate who tried to woo her I got scared, well for my Assistant Class Prefect it was something different, John(Assistant Class Prefect) is a quiet guy, very quiet with fair skin very handsome too and also very intelligent most of the girls in my class like him a lot but because he likes to read a lot they just stayed away from him and admire him from a distance. So on a Friday morning John walked up to me and ask me if Vivian was my girlfriend, that morning I was on a high spirit plus I was surprised that John is asking me about a girl, John of all people I repeatedly murmur to myself, I looked at him innocently and said
“Go and talk to her, whatever she says that is it” though I was really scared that Vivian will say yes to him because that is what every girl in our class has always wanted, they have always waited for him to come and talk because that is a guy thing and also he was the guy with the big brain and good look  and still fair only God know I was uncomfortable but I still ask him to go ahead anyways. That morning I also noticed that John was putting on a new uniform and a pair of new sandals which made me more uncomfortable about 15 minutes later to break time Vivian was sitting on my chair and I was sitting on Mike's locker close to me chatting with Vivian and Mike when Stephen walks up to us and ask if Vivian could spare him some of her time that someone wants to speak to her before she could say a word Mike playfully said
“Can't you see we are talking with her, she can't come” immediately I objected Mike by saying
“Let her speak for herself” Vivian also agreed with me by saying let me talk for myself she turned to Steven and ask who is calling her but I already know it was John I touched Vivian’s hand and said go and find out.
Mike was not very happy with the way I handle things but there is nothing he could do to stop her 6 minutes after Vivian left the class we saw her walking back to the class with a serious face like she had been insulted and also talking to herself behind her was John walking towards her probably to try to stop her and to explain things to her but she wasn't willing to listen to him anymore she walked straight to her seat and when I try to find out what happened outside she only blamed me for encouraging her to go and waste her time, hearing the complain really makes Mike happy and satisfied but for our Assistant Class Prefect it was a very dull moment of heartbreak for him, it was a mixed feeling for me, on one part I was happy she said no and sad for our assistant class prefect on the other I was afraid she is still going to say no to me too but at least I want to try, my emotions were already getting out of hand I mean the other night I saw her in my dreams that we got married and same-day of the night I had dreamt that she said say yes to me, but here it is getting out of hand so I made a plan to talk to her the following Monday after spending most hours of my Saturday’s night thinking and selecting the words I will use to talk to her. An idea came up which was to write and read her a poem I quickly searched Google for a short poem to woo a girl, a lot came up but most of them could not really express what I have or felt inside so I decided to write one by myself the long-awaited Monday has finally come plus I only had 3 hours of sleep because of my preparation for the moment.  
  When I got to school I wanted to quickly present my speech to her and just chill but there’s this kind of heartbeat that is just constantly beating in my chest just like the first time I saw her, truth been told I was scared and also for the fact that we are already friends I don’t want to ruin the friendship but even with that I know that I have to try even if she say no to me I can now fall back to our friendship zone, I encouraged myself and called Vivian to come that I have something to say to her, no one suspected anything since we have been talking and have been friends for some time now. I led her to a narrow Bush part behind our class we kept walking deep inside the bush until we met a little stream there we stopped and she looked at me and smiled like she already knew why I brought her there. She looks at the stream and the surrounding and said “This place is beautiful”, indeed the place was really beautiful and perfect for a proposal I thought to myself and smiled.
The stream was a very calm one flowing between two rocks and the part of it was like they are little fishes inside and the surrounding was also beautiful I lean my back to the Rock behind and asked her to come closer so she did come closer to me and lay on the Rock that her right shoulder was on top of mine, my heart began to beat fast but there was also courage to speak (here it comes this is the poem that I got from the scripture to woo a girl)
“My dear Vivian my heart pants for you even as the deer pants for the River Brook, you are a perfect example of a perfect girl in an imperfect world, your smile melt my heart and I cannot lie, under the sun with you by my side it will be perfect time to hold your hands if only you will say yes and be my girlfriend I love you so much”
While I was still talking I noticed that she was unable to keep herself cool but I continue anyway, at this point she was leaning on the rock, I stood up standing directly opposite her looking at her face directly and asked
  “Will you be my girlfriend?” before she could say anything I quickly jumped in. “Please don't say no, you can think about it” I said because the atmosphere was emotionally charged and I don't know what to expect, she stood up looked at me calmly and said
“I will think about it and get back to you tomorrow” hearing this makes me happy that she did not walk out on me or say no instead she held my hand with her two hands and requested we go back to class which I reluctantly obliged to, we walk out of the bush part and entered into our classroom still holding my hand with her two hands I noticed the shock on the faces of my class mates as they whisper to themselves as I looked around I noticed our Assistant Class Prefect was sitting at the back seat which was unusual and he was facing head down on the locker we later discovered that Mike has told the class how Vivian turned him down that he was unable to look at her face not to talk of asking her out. Vivian walks Straight to Mike’s seat in anger to confront him but he ran away before she could get to him I tried to calm her down, while I also talked to John “Not to take Mike’s opinion very seriously, also that the girl which is meant for him will come” the statement sound really funny that Vivian and John began to laugh and I also join them.
The following morning which was Tuesday, is the day that Vivian has promised to give me a reply, the night before that Tuesday was the worst night of my life so far, I had never waited for anything like that in my entire life that night. I was also invited to perform a song at a friend's birthday, I wasn't on my best spirit, I even had to take alcohol to be able to perform, after the performance I went straight home to my apartment since there was light I tried to iron my school uniform which almost got burnt because of the influence of the alcohol, I quickly removed the plug and that was all I could remember of that night.
    I woke up very late that day, when I looked at the time it was 9:15am, I jumped out from the bed, ran to the borehole to get water, quickly rush to the bathroom, before I finished dressing up it was already 9:32am, I quickly ran down to the school gate and stood there for a while to adjust my clothes and dress properly, Suddenly I heard a voice behind me
   “Latecomer” Mr. Akin said
I was shocked as I wasn't expecting it,
  “Good morning sir” I quickly greeted him, we walk down the school premises together, on the way I explained everything I told Vivian to him, he was very happy for me particularly pointing to the fact that I am finally becoming a man.
    “Will she say yes or no?” I asked Mr. Akin but he insisted that the question is for Vivian to answer
“Let's talk more later” he said as he stepped into the staff room and I walk towards my class room.
  I walked into my class as usual, Mike was the first person to notice me enter the classroom, jokingly he said
“All stand and greet” and the student joined him to say,
“Good morning sir”.
   I just smiled and walked straight to my seat but I noticed that as I was walking towards my seat, Vivian was also coming towards me, she then handed a folded piece of paper to me and walked past me to the front of the class, when I got to my seat, I sat down looking at the front where Vivian was standing at the front of the class looking straight at me so I open the folder piece of paper she gave to me and it reads,
‘Yes I will’ was written on it, at the bottom of the note was also written ‘I LOVE YOU DAVID’ in capital letter, when I saw this I almost fainted in fact I couldn’t explain how I felt, like I was out of this world and daydreaming, when she noticed I had read the note she called for the attention of the class
“Good morning everyone” she greeted and everyone turned to see the person greeting the class.
The classroom became unusually quiet including my spirit, I was quiet in anticipation of what she was going to say next, so she continued with her speech to the class. She majorly thanked the class for how they welcomed her and also talked about those boys who have tried to woo her. and she tries her best to put it simple and funny, even John was smiling at a point, About 6 to 7 minutes later she stopped the speech and everyone clapped for her, mine was the loudest surprisingly she turned to face me and said
“Please come” all eyes turned to me, so I got up and walked to the front of the class, when I got there I stood beside her from right-hand side.
  Then suddenly she announced to the class “David is my boyfriend, I said yes to him today”. the whole class was surprised because apart from Mike no one else knew about my feelings for Vivian, she turned to face me directly looking at my eyes, all that was going through my mind was the desire to do many things to her but the main thing at that moment was to kiss her beautiful lips that was dripping with honey. But before I could act she dragged me close and kissed me and then stopped. I looked at her for some seconds, the desires and passion rose up in me, so I wrapped my hands around her waist and lower down my head to kiss her back.  This moment was the best and a memorable one, among all things that has happened to me, I was lost in my thoughts as we kissed for almost two minutes non-stop in front of the classroom, the truth is we were both lost in our desires and it felt so good and soft, I cannot fully explain how I felt or how it was, only those who have experienced this would know what I’m trying to say, when you eventually kissed a loved one you have loved dearly.
  I noticed that our classmates were shouting, screaming, clapping at the same time which created some level of noise in our class, this also attracted the attention of the teachers and all the classes close to us. This and only this prompt us to stop kissing, at the speed of light the news was already going round the school and the community, and since I also stayed close to the school it brought some level of ridicule as some elders considered us too young to have done such in public, but on the bright side of things I had become popular which is a good thing for my music career, nothing was strong enough to stop our love and affection for each other as we walk to school together and go home together, we spend weekends together and she follows me to my shows performance to cheer me on, sometimes she also joins me on stage. It was actually the happiest moment of my life even with the distance between our houses, our love was able to cover it up with the times we spent together, she’s fond of always holding my hand in public anytime we take a walk.
There was sincerely nothing that could come between us, not even our parents or friends, not my best friend mike or the school teachers. Anytime we’re together she’ll always say to me that “My heart pant for you even as the deer pants for the River Brook” this was the only line she could remember from the poem I wrote for her, this made me even more addicted to her love and seeing her everyday was a daily cure to that addiction, I could find the world for her sake.
On one occasion at school one day, Mr. Fred one of our P.T.A teachers was so angry with me because I refused to obey his advice on leaving Vivian for a reason I don’t know. Mr. Fred is Vivian’s uncle, a brother to her mum, and from day one he has been angry at the fact that I and Vivian kissed in front of the class. So on this day Mr. Fred decided to disgrace Vivian on the assembly ground in front of all the students after Mr. Akin has said the prayers, Mr. Fred walked up to give us an announcement and the first thing he talks about was the kiss this was already a trending topic at the school and students would want to listen to anything that has that topic. Mr. Fred said a lot of things which are not of concern to me but when he began to call Vivian a disgrace to the family and the school I could not take it anymore especially when I saw Vivian crying, so I quickly thought of how to make it stop so I screamed from the middle of the boys line “Shut up sir” at this point I was fully emotionally charged and I’ve lost control of myself, everyone was shocked both the students and teachers, I also noticed Vivian lifted her head “who said that?” Mr. Fred asked in surprise.
“I did” I said walking up to him and the teachers that were part of the assembly ground, he pointed at me in disbelief “David you again”
“yes me again” I replied as I walked towards him I looked back at Vivian and noticed she was shaking her head in disapproval of me going out to meet him because she knows that when it comes to her I can do anything possible to defend her but it was too late to turn back now so I walked straight to the man collected the megaphone from his hand, at this point all the students were shouting and Mr. Fred and the other teachers were all shocked in disbelief they opened their mouth in bewilderment and watched how I took the microphone from him and asked the students
“Between Mr. Fred and Vivian who is more of a disgrace to the school?”. I asked seeking for support but no one answered so I went straight to the SS3  line and repeated the same question and they shouted “Mr. Fred, Mr. Fred, Mr. Fred” I was so happy hearing them agree with me, this made Mr. Fred very angry he dragged the microphone from me and pushed me down the assembly ground to the step case, also he angrily instructed the ss3 roll to be on their kneels but they all refused.
  Mr. Fred hatred towards me wasn't because of what me and Vivian did but one of those days I was invited to perform at a bar opening, the bar belongs to one of Mr. Fred friend. That night I was introduced to Mr. Fred by his friend who invited me to perform all by myself and that night Mr. Fred got drunk, very drunk to the extent that his friend don't know if he was going to die. This happened because whenever there is an opening of new bars, invited guest have a ticket to free drinks and Mr. Fred abused the free drink opportunity, after my performance I decided to look at the dancing girls for a while, while still trying to do my balance which were not being paid at the moment, I was sitting down there when I heard the Host talking in a loud voice, “what happened to him?” so he said. I decided to check on what was going on and I discovered that it was Mr. Fred on the floor saying some nonsense just as every other drunk person used to say. The Host was trying to revive him until I found out that Mr. Fred was losing strength so fast, he was afraid Mr. Fred could die so he decided to call his wife or anyone close to him to meet him at the hospital close by the host tried to call Mr. Fred's wife but his line was not connecting due to network problem so I tried it on my phone luckily it went through for me, I briefly explained everything to Mr. Fred wife to come as soon as possible to the hospital. I left the hospital when Mr. Fred wife arrived the next morning, I went to school and the world has it that Mr. Fred drank to stupor and I called his wife on him, the news had gone round the town and it made Mr. Fred really unhappy. It took Mr. Fred two weeks to get over it and of course it also made him hate me even though I only tried to help him, that morning the wife called me to thank me which I thought Mr. Fred will do the same when he finally returned to school but it was the opposite as this was also was part of the reason he did not want me close to Vivian.
When the SS3 students refused to kneel down Mr. Akin and other teachers present at the assembly ground joined in the protest eventually the SS3 student bow to the pressure and knelt down this process lead to a loud noise that made the school principal to walk out of her office to the assembly ground when the students saw her those still standing quickly knelt down, she walked straight to Mr. Akin and asked him what happened and why the loud noise, Mr. Akin explained everything to her and this reminded her of the kissing case, she states that she was looking for the appropriate punishment for me and Vivian, she also blamed Mr. Fred for bringing such case up in the assembly ground she turned to face me and said “you have been suspended for two weeks, where is the girl?” she requested so badly and Vivian walked up to her and the principal said “fine girl you have been suspended for one week” she looked up to my classmates and said “and for you guys, for disobeying your teachers instruction you will have to clear that bush for 3days pointing at a very thick Bush afar off”.
During the suspension from school
  I used the opportunity to accept invitations from town far away, I also went to see Vivian's mum concerning all that has happened, at first she was very angry with me but when I explained everything to her she saw reasons with me and  Vivian, noting that all I did was to protect Vivian this somehow made her calm for a while she then stretch forth her hands over mine and prayed that nothing will ever happen to the relationship that me and her daughter, then I also ask her if Vivian could follow me to the next town to perform she did not say a word about it until the next morning I saw a missed call from an unknown number, I called back to my greatest surprise it was Vivian’s Dad, though I haven’t met with him, he told me to take good care of his daughter, it was really surprising to my other brother knowing that I was only 18 years old and Vivian was 17 after the call ended with Vivian’s Dad, I called Vivian to inform her of what just happened she was very happy and same time surprised.
The next day was Tuesday, I picked up a few things and joined Vivian at the park for the performance I was invited to, it was a three-day anniversary and I am to perform for the 3 days, it will cost 3 hours to get to the next town so we finally got there and lodged at a very good affordable hotel that was not quite expensive at about 6p.m. I was called to come and perform after settling down, it was a very successful performance, the Host was very satisfied with it, he even paid me the complete money that we bargained for the three days performance on the first day, I got to the hotel and discovered the bills has already been sorted by the host, the second day was schedule for the local performance so I took Vivian out, we had a good time plus the whole world to ourselves we kissed so passionately, hold and touch ourselves but sex was something we both were not ready for, since we haven't talked about it yet. We got home from our outing to meet the host of the party dancing with family and friends so we sat down in the crowd watching what was happening I know we had to talk about sex so I kissed her on her hand then slowly on her neck then eventually on the lips, she looked at me with a side eye and smiled, she kissed me back with a burning hunger for more, I quickly stopped and asked “what happened?” thinking hard but instead she smiled and said “so sweet” and laid her head on my shoulder so I quickly asked “are you a virgin?” she struggled with that question but finally she answered “yes” the answer gave me a level of satisfaction so I turned to look at her and kissed her softly on her lips but she quickly stopped me, looked at me with seriousness and said “are you a virgin?” she asked. And I said “yes” she was surprised for a reason I am not really sure of but maybe because many girls always do come around me anytime I am done performing on stage so I turned to her again and this time she was smiling and said come here posing like she wants to say something quietly I bent my head towards her and she whispered to my ear “Do you want us to have sex now so that we can deflower each other or wait till we get married?”. At first I was surprised she's not shy talking about sex in that manner but then she whispered again “I love you more than my virginity, plus you are a virgin so it is either we do it now or keep it  till we get married” I kissed her for a while and whispered to her ear “let’s go inside” I said with a soft voice like to seduce her into doing something, I pointed at our hotel which was a five minute walk from where the event is being held, we walked down to the hotel, holding our hands, chatting and laughing,  the hotel attendant were very friendly to us since they already knew that we came there to perform and I have met with the manager of the hotel at the event where I performed the first day. We entered our room, Vivian requested to take a shower first which I  agreed, 15 minutes later she was done washing herself so she came out from the bathroom to the bedroom, it was like I’m just seeing her for the first time, she was full of beauty a full complexion was on display I quickly compliment her “my love you look out of this world” that is the compliment reserved for only her alone she loves it so much and I know how and when to use it, she smiled went straight to the window at the left side of the room and locked it and also covered the curtains, she did the same for the three windows in the room, she reduced the timer of the air condition to 28, she also put off the main lights on the ceiling, only the bedside lamp was on but because it was night everywhere I could still see her clearly she pointed to me like I should sit up so I sat up, she gently pulled off her nightgown, she took it off slowly and I steady my eyes on her as I behold her body, my heart was pounding very fast because this was the first time I’m seeing a grown-up lady naked before me, I also stood up standing on the bed I gently put off my clothes too, I removed my belt very slowly as a lot of thoughts were going through my head, I finally removed it, pulled down my jeans and boxers I noticed I had Bright skin too, I wasn’t just blessed with a good voice I was also blessed with some other materials so she walked up to the bed and hugged me and we both lie down naked facing each other, she softly whispered to me “what is next?” I whispered back “let’s just enjoy the moment and keep our virginity till we get married” she also agreed, I put back on my boxers and she put on back her panties but left the rest of our body open and we opt to sleep I could feel her breast touching my chest and this made my depressing manhood rise again, Vivian noticed this and she kept smiling at me like the Lost smiling baby in Barbie, I decided not to have sex with her this night because I forgot to buy protection as not to get her pregnant, I have always wanted to have sex with her but not in a way that will bring us both shame, she is also very obedient to me and the very best way to reward her was to keep our virginity till we get married. The last day of my performance came I performed very well and  also Vivian  joined me on stage she also displayed a new talent I had no idea of which is dancing she danced amazingly, she was sprayed money because of a unique style of dancing I was so impressed the next morning we took a bus going to Benin, Vivian wanted to see the government house so I took her there, we also went to Uniben to take a look at the university, it was awesome because we had some money to spend, we decided to book a hotel for 10 days it was quite expensive but we had enough money to pay for anything that we want plus I have Vivian all to myself , it worth it, the hour of our staying at the hotel we got an invitation to perform at Port Harcourt the capital of Rivers State, Vivian was so surprise hearing about this invitation and she kept asking how did it happen, the offer was a very big one, it was more than five times of what we have been paid at the former party, the invitation clearly state that I am performing at Chief Magnus Gretel’s campaign on the upcoming senatorial election, also that I should send my account number to him if I agreed with the terms and condition, and that I should send him a message on whatsapp so that he can send me 70% of the payment. He also stated that hotel and flight bill has been paid for, I told him that we are two plus we don’t have passport on us, we don’t actually have passport but not to sound local I made the statement like I did not carry them on us, it was not planned for. He assured me everything is under control, the next morning we went to the airport at Benin, we saw a guy on black suit waiting for us immediately we entered the airport, he walked up to us and asked if I was the guest for the campaign and I said “yes we are your guest” I also noticed he shifted his glass a little to take a proper look at me probably because we were so young but he turned back and said follow me, “wow this is the first time I am seeing an airplane” Vivian whispered to me “me too” I whispered back to her, I held her left hand and we walked up to the plane.
  On the airplane we met some few persons, we also saw the deputy governor of Edo State, I was so happy to see him face-to-face but I know I had to behave myself not to be cheap or look like that, the flight attendant attended to us very well, the next thing was the flight captain announcing to us that the plane is about to take off, we had to put on her seatbelt, put our phones on airplane mode also. After some hours the flight captain announced again to us that’s the plane is about to land, we landed very safely and came down, some very important persons came from the state to welcome us, Honorable Magnus drove to the airport in some SUV to pick us up, we entered the SUV and were taken to a hotel that was booked for us, as we drive through the capital of Rivers State we saw a lot of beautiful roads than those in edo state and were amazed, we finally got to the hotel, it was the River State first presidential hotel “what a beauty” I said out aloud, some of the guest turned to look at me but I did not mind because this is too beautiful to hide inside, it was even more beautiful than the outside, at the reception I decided to do a freestyle I brought out my Bluetooth speaker put on a free instrumental and a danceable one, everybody stopped moving and started thinking of what is happening, I started singing and praising the senator and his political party which they fear and Vivian amazed everyone with her dancing steps, I sang for about 2 minutes and 15 seconds, everyone was carried away by my performance as it was amazing that even the Oakland and some of the hotel attendant screamed “you did well” I saw the deputy governor clapping which made me so happy, we all walked to our room as directed by the security guy at the hotel, some of the hotel attendant rushed forward to take some pictures with I and Vivian.
  Our hotel room was like heaven on Earth, a lot of things that I have never seen before were present at the hotel, in our room there is a chair that massage a person's body all you have to do is to sit on it and put it on by touching a button, meaning one could sit on it after a long day performance, there’s also a glass swimming pool at our corridor, we also swim on it once because I was afraid the glass will break, my performance for the first week of the three weeks campaign was successful, Vivian suggested that we should stay a little longer to elapse my weeks of suspension from school stating that she can’t resume without me and I agreed with her, during this journey none of my family member called except my mum who my father kept blaming  for all the things wrong at home, but Vivian's mum called every two days, her sister also called three times while we were away, to me Vivian is all I've got, but my mum always insist that I must love my Dad and siblings.
  On Vivian birthday, I planned to surprise her, so I asked her to get us some snacks downstairs, normally we can just make a call and order for it but I needed her to go downstairs so that I could arrange the room, I also planned with the hotel attendant to help me get a cake and all the celebration stuffs needed which she brought, immediately Vivian left the room I arranged everything. I also called Vivian only friend that she told me about who stays in Port Harcourt, in one of our discussion Vivian had wish she could see her before we leave the State, so I took her number from Vivian’s phone and called her, paid her transport fare and also sneaked her into the hotel so that Vivian won’t mistakenly see her before the surprise, when I noticed Vivian was close by, I had to put off the light then she opened the door and put on the light and said “My love why is everywhere dark?” immediately after that we chorused “Surprise!! Happy birthday to You Vivian” of course she had forgotten her own birthday, she was so surprised I remembered, she ran towards me and gave me a hot kiss on the lips, she was also very surprised seeing her childhood friend present in the room, she turned at me again and gave a hot kiss this time on the cheeks, rushed to her friend and hug her “well it is time to cut the cake” one of the attendant said, within some few seconds the cake was unveiled, it was indeed very beautiful, I was surprised and impressed by the baker because I remember telling just a night ago, Vivian’s name was written on it, the cake was very pleasing to the eyes and also very delicious in the mouth, everyone present at the party complimented the cake, I also made video calls to connect with Vivian’s mum, dad and her elder sister, it was a beautiful moment for us, surprisingly Honorable Magnus also came for the birthday party and promised to pay for the party expenses and all the money spent were paid back to me, all thanks to him, the rest of the evening Vivian said she would spend it all with me and me alone, then she threw herself on me, we did some playful games like hide and seek, drinking competition, dancing, singing, Best kisser, hugger, and so on, it was a very beautiful moment for our shared love.
  The next morning we packed our things ready to leave, we went to the airport and the plane took us to Benin, from Benin we boarded a taxi that will take us directly to our town, though it was a very long journey and also very expensive, I really don’t want us to be entering different kind of buses and since we had the money we just took the taxi, it took about seven hours before we finally got home, bad roads also contributed to the time wasted on the journey, I asked the taxi man to drop Vivian at the front of her house, so he did I then helped her to carry her bags inside the house, greeted her mum and some neighbors and walked back to the car, the taxi driver dropped me off at my house, and I paid him with my mobile app thankfully he was using one, so it was easy and very fast at that, once done with that we shook hands and I bade him farewell, he got in his car and drove off, I walked straight to my apartment and dropped my bags walked to the other side of the compound where I met my mum preparing soup and pounded yam with the yam still on fire, I greeted her and she welcomed me warmly and later I decided to go to the front of the house to greet my dad but the way he responded was obvious that he wasn’t happy with me and that is how he has been after hearing the incident that happened at school, that evening I transferred the sum of 1.6 million naira to Vivian account, because the total money made from the show was 4 million naira but before I could settle some persons, those who connected us to the host and the show 800 thousand naira was gone, so I divided the remaining 3.2 million equally since I don’t even know what to buy with the money, surprisingly 30 minutes after I sent the money to Vivian I received an alert of 1.1 million naira from Vivian and a follow-up message stating that,
“The whole money belongs to you my love, but I will take the 500k as your gift to me, thank you I love you so much”
This is so unbelievable I screamed still surprised that she rejected the money she worked for, this was so unreal to me as I kept talking to myself, how could it happen. The next day was Sunday so we both went to different church, but we were also on video call throughout the day, I couldn’t go out because I was still tired from the journey, Vivian did likewise so during some time on the video call I noticed Vivian was naked in her bedroom, I screamed and asked “why are you calling me when you are naked?” 
She replied “with you, I am not ashamed of my body” which also surprises me because I enjoyed watching her beautiful body, then she reminded that the next day was Monday and that we would go to school together, of which I agreed immediately  I tried to further ask why she sent me back the money but she stated that the money belongs to me when I tried to ask further, she started pretending that the network is bad, but of course I knew she could hear me loud and clear, she quickly added “I love you, call you tomorrow” and hung up the call I smiled and drop the phone.
  The next morning I woke up very early at 6 a.m. and went straight to the bathroom before 7:02am I was already dressed up and tied my newly customize bike that I ordered while we were at Port Harcourt, I went to surprise Vivian, I got to her house by 7:15am immediately I stopped at the front of her gate, a call came in, it was Vivian, I picked it up and she said she just want to tell me that she loves me and I should please prepare on time so that we could go to school together I said okay but come out first my love she screamed and said “really you are already here, I am coming” few moments later she was already outside when I saw her I got up to meet her as she was also running towards me, she also had a surprise for me and I sighted it immediately I saw her. she had made my favorite hairstyle, she said she made it for me, said it was to thank me for taking her on an adventure that she never knew she could have until she met me. I was so impressed by the kind of gift she thought of ‘God the hair look so good on her and I really enjoyed seeing it on her’ well it was a personal thing for me so I held her hands up high and kisses her, and I pointed to the bike and my name was written on one side of it and our name on the other side, it was so cool she wasn’t expecting it, the only way she could express how she felt was to kiss me passionately after that she asked me “have you eaten?” “I have not” I said softly like a shy child in public she smiled and kissed me again “let’s go inside I will pack two cooler of food, one for this morning and the other for afternoon” it seems good to me so I finally agreed, after everything we entered the bike and zoom off to school on the way Vivian asked me the name of the bike “well it is a customized bike, it doesn’t have a name” I said but Vivian insisted we give it a name she suggested we call it “you and me” it was cool and so funny that we both laughed she finally concluded that we call it Vee and Dave or V-Dave I choose we go on with the V-Dave because it sounds more mature and cool too. we were so happy that we named it after ourselves I drove straight into the school compound, we got to school at exactly 7:45 a.m. and we started the assembly ground by 8 a.m. also when we got to school no one recognized us because we were putting on the bikes helmets when we took it off a lot of students gathered us, something odd happened without us knowing, my freestyle and Vivian dancing at Port Harcourt was recorded including Vivian surprise party as part of the campaign I could remember when honorable Magnus entered, the cameraman followed him but I did not notice him recording anything that happened. Well it was so overwhelming knowing that this moment were captured many of the school students watched the video and also it boost my social influence too much people knowing me and following me on social media and Vivian also on our social media pages and somehow it rub off in our school too as Honorable Magnus Curtis also visited our school page on Face-book and left a comment on the page, this made my school principal very happy, more and more people kept viewing the School page, it seems like what they thought was a disgrace has restored the school lost glory.
   Honorable Magnus was not the only politician who left a mark on our school Page also his Senator friend or more cafe also visited the page he was the current senator representing a state he also made a comment on the page about visiting our school and also to fix the fallen roof and build us a toilet, this actually brought a lot of attention to my name and to my page as many considered me and Vivian has the arrow of the school, everyone wants to be our friend including teachers and students alike, later that week Mr. hockey advised me to go and apologize to Mister Fred for what happened the other time before me and Vivian traveled, at first I refused but I later agreed to go because Vivian also said it was the right thing to do, so we went together when we go to the office Vivian and I both knelt down in front of Mister Fred this was all Vivian's plan as we knelt down, Mister Fred stood up and asked us to stand up immediately, that we should sit down, we refused saying he must forgive us first before we will stand up or sit down, he struggled for a while but eventually forgave us at least he said he did it in front of every other teacher we got up and sit down close to Mr. Fred, he asked us to narrate how we met honorable Magnus, Chiamaka was very much interested in this angle so we explained everything to them every step well not everything actually but the part that we want them to know also Vivian made sure she told them about the scene that we kissed while we were naked it was awkward but she said it anyway, Miss Amina made a comment on the matter by saying “your love is too much oh” she turned to look at Mr. hockey who was sitting to her right hand side of the room, when she was done narrating the story we got up and walked out of the office, our classmate were already celebrating us like heroes who returned back to school, when we walked into the classroom, everywhere was full of noise as some of the students seem to be shouting my name, “David, David, David!!” filled the air, it was a fun moment and being in such a happy mood, I gifted 15 students with 10 thousand naira each through my mobile app transfer, they were the lucky ones who got it, the remaining one’s were gifted 2 thousand naira cash that was remaining with me, six weeks later we were told about our enrollment concerning the upcoming waec exams, we were both happy and sad but there was nothing I could do, Vivian asked me to pay for my enrolment fee which I agreed on because I also have a plan for her but not yet the time to tell her, she then paid for the both of us, plus I also allowed her because the fee wasn’t much, also it makes her happy and fulfilled, after paying the fees, she followed me home, she met with my mum and dad, they both welcomed her warmly, my mum was very happy to finally see her as for my dad, I don’t know though he was smiling, I was still very much worried because for a long time we’ve not had time to sit down and talk about what happened, and he has always been quiet anytime my name was being mentioned around him. As soon as my mum stood up heading to the kitchen, I followed her, she then told me not to worry about my dad attitude, that he’s very proud of me , I was a bit refreshed hearing it from her.
  The time for exam finally came, it was from June to July, and we also wrote the school exam during this period. Vivian was staying at my place but not in my room, she stays with my mum, because my mum instead that a young lady of her age cannot be staying with a young man like myself, it was a good idea for me so I succumb to it, plus Vivian also love it very much, all day I and Vivian will be together we both read and play, mostly read we also kiss and touch each other often, so at other times I explain some topics by turning them to songs Vivian loved them and I do the same and whatever makes her happy makes me happy, after the exams we waited for some weeks before the results were out, the following day mike came to my house with three scratch cards to check our waec results Vivian was still staying with us at this time, mike kept shouting “result is out I'm afraid to check, David come and help me” when she had heard that she rushed down to my apartment when I opened the door she and mike walked in, she was afraid to check her own too and Mike was also very afraid, I had to be the man so I took the card from Mike scratched the card, impute Mike's number and check on his subject he made all his subject except for literature which he had f9, he was very happy and pleased, Vivian soon checked her and discovered she passed everything, she even had c5 in literature she was so excited that she jumped on me and hugged me so tight, I finally checked mine and discovered I passed everything, we went out that evening to celebrate and later went to Chiamaka place after we had a lot to drink, Vivian wanted to become a model and a fashion designer and I wanted to go to university to read criminology or to become a soldier, also to sing, Vivian called that a musician soldier, our inspiration was actually throwing us towards different field and state, Vivian suggested that we get married before we start our dream but I refused because I don't think it is a good idea, Vivian is to travel to Lagos why I wanted to attend Uniben in Benin City, we're both worried about the distance between us and at some point Vivian wanted to quit her dream to become a model and a fashion designer to start reading any course in Uniben but I encouraged her to go with her dreams, it was a very sad day for both of us, we both shed tears and cry till we both lost our voices, the night before Vivian travelled we slept in the room, most of the time  quiet and just gazing at each other’s.
   The departure day came, Vivian has to go first since I have not been given admission yet, we held ourselves for more than 20 minutes on one spot with tears flowing down our cheeks, she finally entered the bus going to Lagos and when the bus started moving it was like my heart was running away with it so I started running after the bus until it was out of sight, that day I could not drive my bike back home from the park, Mike later went there to help me drive the bike back home and that was the last time I drove that bike until I travelled to Uniben, ever since then Vivian and I have been in touch with each other, our love grew stronger, we are the unbroken two but can this distance separate us? can our different dreams separate us from each other? well we are still alive which means we’ll find out very soon, our love is real and I believe it will forever be.
“David and Vivian's love was real and I believe it will live on forever” ~ Mr. Fred (graduation day)

“Though the sun shines hot at noon walking in it with you makes it feel like the cool of the evening, looking at your face makes my heart melt in love and happiness, my face is always filled with smile anytime I’m with you, love is the only living word to describe what we share, you are too precious to be in a person, beautiful, amazing and perfect for me, knowing you was the best thing that has ever happened to me. Happy birthday my love, I love you so much”.
~ Vivian Bello

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