Chapter 2, A unexpected Win.

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One hour and forty-five minutes have passed since the heavenly judgment, AIDO can see in the distance a great light that is being held by a familiar figure. He is the man who appeared before him as an ally against the neo-Masons, the one who promised that the planet and its ancient splendor for life could be recovered, which had already been abandoned by the idea of colonizing other worlds, with terra formation.

Of course, he would be unaffected by what he taught me, I remember mentioning to Carilora that nothing is free in this world, nor in the next, the information he provided was in exchange for things that anyone with his power could get. So his purpose was something else, to attract the attention of those forces that seemed to rule the world, or the same energy that he said could be obtained by executing the Celestial Judgment technique.

As he gets closer he realizes that he is not alone, there are 6 figures behind him. They seem to be waiting for someone, just as AIDO anticipated a bad move, our accomplice also had his thing prepared.

He lands a short distance from them, realizing that each figure is that of a handsome, masculine adult man, with clothing very similar to those worn by the ancients in the Middle East.

-AIDO: I suppose that in the end your interest was in the vital energy of people, because of your esoteric knowledge, I assumed that you were a Demon, Alaquias.

-Alaquias: I am not a demon, I am rather what you know as angels, but even so beyond that concepts.

-Alaquias: You never doubted it I do not belong to this world, when you finally managed to summon your first demon, only another could do it, you thought about your logic, didn't you?

-AIDO: But you are not a simple demon, to have so much ambition and possess this knowledge, I imagine you are someone important.

-Alaquias: Your people know me in various ways, some are insulting, others are alleging, but you can call me Lucifer, Firstborn of Good and Evil. The true perfect being.

Like all those who know the myth that you find in the Bible, and other sources, almost all, even non-believers, are afraid of said name, AIDO is no different, although he remains calm, he hoped that his mentor was not something he could not face.

-AIDO: Now I understand, I didn't expect to find you, because it seemed strange to me that only a demon had come to meet me. Who are your friends?

-Lucifer: You know them as the princes of hell, although your myths and legends are not true in many points, for some reason each world manages to obtain information about our existence, perhaps because there are multiple versions of us, but do not be confused, we are the ones, the first to exist, the originals.

-Lucifer: You knew very well what we wanted from you, the vital energy that you have gathered, and that is why I have decided to come myself to collect the debt.

-AIDO: So I am before royalty, and I suppose that that energy will help you create a body capable of existing on this existential plane, that is why you became interested in my children, the Retter Messiahs.

-Lucifer: Yes, you created a new being capable of differentiating itself from other living beings, but you made the mistake of making them so innocent, without malice or ambition, who are well equipped to be useful, but their minds have not been molded correctly nor their character.

-AIDO: I see, I took care that they were not manipulated by any sect or government, and even by you, make no mistake, I am aware that if it were not for you, I would not have advanced so much in my research or discovered the wonders of existence.

-Luficer: It is not a total lie that it helps you attract the celestials of this existential plane, every time we defeat them we are closer to recovering our glory. Their legends and prophecies are wrong in many ways, but not in all. As you have learned when creating that armor, and that body, your own children. The secret of existence is the infinite energy of good and evil, your body, your soul, your spirit, and your knowledge are fruits of my actions, you owe me a lot, but if you serve me you will get what you want in the end.

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