Another Cinderella Story (part 2 fluff)

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Part two baby! I didn't know if I was actually gonna do this but then I thought why not! I also had some actually ask so I obviously was gonna do it. So here we are I hope you guys enjoy reading this as much as I love writing and if I do a part three will you guys get mad? Anyways here you go!

Age gap

Word count: 1736


I rush up to where my step father was yelling for me swinging open the door to his office.

"You called?" I say with a little more sass than intended with a hand on my popped hip, looking at him with annoyance radiating off my body.

"You're going to the ball tomorrow. With Jeramy." He stated looking back at the book he was holding.

"The hell I am!" I said with a laugh in my voice.

"You will listen to what I say. Girl." He said barely looking at me.

"Sir. You know my name isn't "girl" I say putting quotation marks around the word girl.

"It's Y/n. You know that. And I'm not going to the dumbass ball with your jackass son. Not going to happen." I say back quickly then walking out of his office slamming the door. Rushing down the stairs to my little room next to the back door, beside to the kitchen.

I fall onto the bed exhausted from this day even if it is only 5:30 the other maids of this house can cook dinner I'm taking a nap. I look over at my nightstand to turn off the only light source of that room to find an envelope with my name on it with beautiful handwriting. I open it carefully to find it saying,

"Dear Y/n,
I know we only just met a few hours ago thanks to our new little friend. I was wondering if you would want to make a boring night at the ball not so boring. If you do meet me by the creek on the other side of the road at 6:30 and if not I understand. I hope I will still be able to see you.
-Your new friend

You notice little muddy paw prints all over and look a little further down the page to see

"P.s. Fran wants to make her mark on this letter so don't mind the prints everywhere"

I smile at that last part and look out of my room to see the clock above the window.


"Shit!" In a rush I pull my hair into a messy bun pulling on my outside boots and grabbing a small knitted shawl to throw over my shoulders. Running across the front yard stopping at the road to look quickly before running full speed across. Not stopping for anything getting cuts on my arms and exposed shins between the bottom of my dress and where the boots stop. I keep running seeing the creek but no Cillian. I stop where the creek starts and look around. I see no one.

"Shit! Shit! Shit!" I say kicking the ground around me.

"Fucking! Holy bitch! Ugh!" I sit on the ground and throw a few rocks in the slow moving water. Until I hear a crunch of a twig and whip my head around to see where the sound came from.

"Cillian?" I mutter out barely above a whisper.

"Cillian if that's you it's not very funny..." I say standing up, grabbing the closest stick I can.

Jumping from the bushes I throw the stick and hear a groan.

"Nice throw love" Cillian says holding his face in his hands.

"Oh Cillian! Oh no!" I run over to put my hands on his cheeks. Examining his small cut right over his nose, in between his eyebrows.

"Oh my fuck! You can't scare me like that Cill!" I say still looking around his face seeing if there's anymore cuts. He hands on my waist once again.

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