chapter 4

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It was never enough. His passion for something more was insatiable. It drove Nick to an addiction of which he was trying to date. Sitting at his desk he thought and thought all about whether he would ever find something or someone who was enough.

Just like any eligible bachelor suitors were left looking for anything that suggested that Nick was ready for love or finding the one. It was not easy on any of them since he was totally reserved to speaking with anyone out of his comfort zone. Whether it be an event or a party, he was known for being the hardest of for conversation.

Just like many nights  he dreaded this one was  such. He was expected by a man who was grateful for a successful surgery performed by his truly dedicated self. Now it was time for smiles and forced conversation. He scoffed just thinking of a room nauseating with the many scents of the different guests.

Taking a deep breathe he entered and as expected all the ladies were rushing towards him all bearing their hopeful smiles of ever knocking him of his knees.

Like the wind the very esteemed Bachelorette strode towards him bearing all her womanly charms and stole his dance. Once on the floor he sighed with relief.

"Thank you Josie as always you came in at the right moment" , he smiled looking at the one personl who made a place for herself in his heart.

"Come on Nick I was born an  angel so no need to thank me". She beamed with happiness. She was one of the few people who swore to never let the world hurt people while she was a silent commentator. Thus she made it a point to try to bring a smile to whomever was close to her.

Nick admired her, for she was one of the few people who never let her pain show on her face. You could only find it deep in her eyes and that too if you were a thorough observer. When he first saw her she was in a hospital bed with life drained out of her eyes. She was like a zombie, a shell with no life in it.

He had inquired about her and found out she was suffering from anorexia nervosa. Somehow he wanted to help her. And so without thinking he had grabbed a chair and sat next to her bed wanting to ask her so many questions. But instinct told him all he could do was seat there and wait for the day she found herself again

When she was ready she would tell him  was all he thought. Indeed one day while he went to check on her, she sat up and smiled at him. That's when he realised she was strong and there was nothing that could break her anymore. She never let her pain rule her. She was dictated by it for so long that she had broken free.

She fought and won but that was not why Nick admired her. What he admired was that she did it alone. So when she sat up and smiled he knew she was ready.

" The world" she said still holding her smile. Nick did not need her to continue because somehow those two words spoke more than he could ever be able to in his lifetime.

What had destroyed her was what had destroyed him. They were the same but he was a coward who chose to turn his back on the world. While she Josie Adams had fought the world so as to return and try to never let the world do to another person what it had done to her and him.

From that day on her story with Nick had reached another chapter. One which was of understanding to a relation to pain and having no one but yourself. That day they ended their cycle of being alone. They were going to be each others strength but they did not even realise it.

Now they were each others protectors and Josie was still trying to make Nick turn and face the world and fight it so it can never hurt him and people while he watched and did nothing.
"Let us go. We have been here long enough", Josie said glancing around at all the people who were clearly happy being around company.

"You can stay Josie I'll be fine", she just sighed  and let go of his hand.

"Okay fine I'm staying". That statement did not sit well with him. He wanted her to go with him

"Are you really staying?", he asked surprised.

" Well you said you would be fine" she retorted back to him.

" Well you were supposed to choose me not these people".

"Well Nick!" she shouted and everybody turned to look at  them. She had completely forgotten that they were in the presence of people. Even if she had not forgotten she would have done it anyway because Nick infuriated her. He was able to bring out the worst in her.

Nick stormed out of the room wanting to avoid all eyes that had suddenly shifted to him and her very esteemed lady friend. Josie rushed after him catching him just before he proceeded to drive away. She knew she would not get him to come out or wait for her so she stood in front of the car

"Josie", he growled banging on the steering wheel to show his frustration "get out of the way",

"No we will go back to the party and you will dance with one of the ladies" she said calmly folding her hands.

Nick got out of the car and banged the door. He then continued to walk and grabbed her wrist pulling her towards the party. She followed quietly behind him. Upon reaching she stood in front of the door and gave him one hell of a slap.

"Firstly Nickolas you don't mistreat a lady. Secondly you as a gentleman ensure her comfort not what you were doing dragging me". She calmy stated as if she had not delivered a slap to his face.

"Fine I will dance with one of them" he smirked and she did not fail to catch the devious intention behind his eyes as he continued "and fuck them afterwards in a bathroom stall and see how you feel about my mannerisms of being a gentleman afterwards".

He entered once again with a smile which was mischevious and heartfelt. One would wonder what brought about such a smile but he knew it was all Josie. He could not help but feel happy knowing that Josie was next to him and of course he loved to get her mad. To him her features of beauty were more intricate when mixed together with her anger.

As he strode to the dance floor taking a lady with him he could not keep his eyes of her.

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