chapter 5

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She was still fuming but one glance at the look that was on Nick's face her anger vaporized leaving on her lips a smile. She had done it. She Josie Adam had gotten a smile out of Nick.

She wondered how he would feel after knowing the real reason behind forcing him to get to know people. Somehow the blow would be softer if he had someone to go to for comfort.

It was decided, she thought. Later that night she would tell Nick. She would face his anger but she was set on her decision. Even he would not be able to convince her against it. After all it was time to heal someone else's wounds. Hers had healed and her story had changed and at that moment it was time to change someone else's story.

Nick would understand but on the other side he would think of how she could skip borders instead of healing him who was right infront of her. Her heart that night was heavy. Nick was her source of life but she needed to give someone else's life a story of healing.

She quickly wiped away her tears when she saw Nick approaching.

" Ready to go doc" she smirked remembering what he had said earlier.

" Let's go " he said succeeding at keeping his poker face. He knew exactly what she was refering to. He had even planned on doing exactly that but he saw her crying. He came to her right after forgetting all about the woman he had left behind.

In the drive back to Nick's house the silence was sombre. Somehow they had said all there was  to say with their silence. Upon reaching they sat in the fireplace. Josie turned around and faced Nick

" I'm going to Palestine and after Israel", she spoke softly. The tension was suddenly high.

Nick's body went stiff. He could not formulate even his own name. He had to have heard wrong. There is no way Josie had said what he thought she had said. Deep down he knew nothing was wrong with his hearing.

He had feared the same thing ever since the news of the Israel-Palestine war. It just was her thing to give opinion to working class people affected by 'people high up there' he thought scoffing internally. It was for people like her and him. It should have made it better but it didn't. 

Josie was growing anxious at Nick's silence. "Nick say something, anything please"

" What should I say? You've already made your decision. You're just informing me out of courtesy. You know how much I depend on you so you are just informing me out of pity" , he said giving the last part air quotes with his fingers.

She couldn't be angry for what he said because he was saying it out of hurt. He did not really mean it. Plus she was the one who had hurt him.

"I'm informing you because you are important to me." She spoke gritting her teeth out of annoyance.

Nick walked closer to the table in his large lounge room taking a bottle and gulping it. Why isn't she fighting with him. All he wanted was a reaction. Maybe just maybe if she could remember the way they always fight she would decide on staying. When silence took over Nick saw that this was a losing battle and there was no convincing Josie otherwise. He did not know why but he just wanted her to be happy. If Israel and Palestine were what was going to make her happy , he sure as hell would move mountains to make her reach there.

He made a gesture with his arms asking Josie to step closer to him. He pulled her towards him in a bone crashing hug.

"Good luck Ms Adams . "He sighed pushing his face into her shoulders.

Josie was beyond surprised. In all the time she had known him he had never hugged her. Nick was surprised himself. He could not help himself he had to memorise her smell and what better way other than being close to her.


" This is it. "
Nick smiled sadly trying to look most positive for Josie but deep down he was shattered.

It was two 'oclock in front of London international airport. It was time for Josie's plane departure. They had been standing there for almost an hour just looking at each other.

"To think I once hated your guts is unbelievable. How did I not recognise the gem that you are sooner.", She laughed trying to ease the tension.
"Goodbye Nick "

With that she turned around with Nick facing her back. Ready to soar and discover the world she set forward hoping to God that she would see Nick very soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14 ⏰

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