Chapter 3

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We're leaving for Kyle's ranch tomorrow morning, early, around seven. I'm on my way to meet Charlie, and his entire family for dinner, and mama couldn't come with us because she is attending a bon voyage party at her work place. She's gonna take a month from working to look for a new job, and to settle in at our new home. Thankfully, I have almost two full months before the new school year starts, and I have to start school at a new school. Maybe I can convince mama to let me do home-school?

Arriving at the cafe, I park, turn off the engine, and climb from my black, two-door S-10, and head inside the cafe. Scanning the surrounding people for the five that I'm searching for, I find them seated at a table in the corner next to the wall next to the windows. Jax has his left arm raised about head head, and is waving toward me with a bright smile.

Making my way over to them quickly, I hug Maria and then Jax before shyly saying 'hello' to their children - Ryan, William and Boyd. Sitting down next to Ryan on the end of the three seats on the one side, and Boyd is sitting on the other side of his eldest brother. Jax is across from me, and Maria is next to him, and William is on her other side.

"Have you ordered yet?" I ask them, scanning my eyes over the menu in front of me, even though I'm positive I already know what I'm going to order.

"Only our drinks, and I ordered you a soda, too," Jax replies with a smile. "We haven't ordered our food yet, though, because we told our server that we were waiting for another person to arrive."

"Thanks, I appreciate that," I murmur with a grin at Jax and Maria.

"So, we've spoke with Robin earlier today on her lunch break, and we set up a time for us to come to visit you at the ranch," Maria states with a sad smile. "We're coming in three weekends, and we're gonna stay at a nearby hotel from Friday afternoon to Sunday afternoon, is this okay with you?"

Eagerly nodding despite the sadness; "Yes! Thank you so much!"

They grin at me as Ryan wraps his left arm around my shoulders, giving me a gentle squeeze, saying; "All five of us are coming to visit you. We're gonna miss you and Robin so much, and we want to make sure you both are doing well there."

Grinning widely at him before lying my head on his shoulder with a soft, content sigh, murmuring a 'thanks.'

When the server returns with the drink order, they take our food order before leaving again with a promise that the food will be out soon. Taking a sip of the soda, I look at everyone at the table with me, and can't help but tear-up over leaving them in the morning. I'm so used to seeing them all several times a week for the last sixteen years.

"Hey, none of that, okay?" Maria softly coos when she notices my tear filled eyes, and her tears fill with her own tears.

Sniffling, I nod, not trusting my voice at the moment. Placing the glass back on the table in front of me with a tired sigh.

When we have finished dinner, we make our way outside to our vehicles, I nervously ask them; "Am I gonna see everyone tomorrow morning before mama and I leave? We're leaving at eight?"

"Of course we are, love," Maria coos as she pulls me into a bone crushing hug that I eagerly accept. "We've already spoken to Robin about this, and she wants us to come say goodbye to the both of you in the morning."

Huh, I didn't know this, but I can't say I'm upset about this.

Smiling softly into her neck as I softly tighten my arms around her waist, murmuring; "Thanks, I appreciate this."

"Anytime, love, anytime," She murmurs with tears in her voice as she squeezes me tightly for several seconds before letting go, and taking several steps back with a teary smile.

"Come here, kid," Jax murmurs with a sad smile as he pulls me into a bone-crushing hug.

Stuffing my face into Jax's broad chest while wrapping my arms tightly around his waist with a sob. Ryan, William and Boyd join our hug, sandwiching Jax and I together even more. Maria joins the hug, and I swear all six of us are crying. The group hug lasts for several minutes before we break apart, and we wipe our faces dry from our tears.

"Bye everyone," I sadly tell them with a wave as I open the driver's side door or my vehicle, then pull out my keys. "See you in a couple of weeks! Please don't forget about me, cuz I'm never gonna forget about all of you!"

"Bye Raven! See you in two weeks!" they holler back with their own waving hands as I climb into the seat, shutting the door behind me once I'm settled.

Driving home, well to what used to be our home, I can't help when my throat tightens in sadness. Parking next to mama's car, I climb out after placing the vehicle in park and turning off the engine. Slowly wandering to the front door, I let myself inside once I reach the door. Wandering through the packed up first floor, knowing that in a few short hours, we're going to be arriving at the ranch, and our new home.

"I'm upstairs, Raven!" mama hollers, so that's where I head to find her in her old bedroom, doing one last sweep to make sure nothing has been left behind.

"I'm ready to leave whenever you are," I murmur when she turns to face me.

Mama nods with a small smile; "We're gonna head out once the movers arrive, and have loaded, and then we can leave."

Silently nodding, knowing that this is the end of life as I know. Forty-five minutes later, the movers have arrived, loaded the boxes, and the rest of our stuff, and we're off towards Kyle's. Mama is driving her vehicle and I'm driving mine, and the movers have already left once they got directions from mama.

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