Chapter 12

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A week has passed since I was bitten by the water snake, and I feel a lot better than I have been, and I've been allowed to help on the ranch with easy chores. Things between Jace and I have been interesting, to say the least. It's like we've morphed from people who've just met, and have a small amount of attraction for each other, to two people who are at the start of the honeymoon phase of dating without actually dating.

I'm excited that Jace and I have become closer, but yet also sad that I'm scared to become even closer with him because I don't want him to become irritated with me, and leave me.

"Hey Raven, can I ask you a serious question?" Jace asks as we brush the horses off after we went for a short ride after dinner.

"Sure, doesn't mean I'll answer if I'm not comfortable," I reply with a slight shrug as I look at him briefly.

"Um, would you like to go on a date with me on Friday night?" he asks, and he actually sounds nervous.

Snapping my entire body toward him despite the pain in my leg with wide eyes; "I didn't hear you right. Did you ask me out on a date?"

"I did indeed ask you on a date," Jace confirms with a broad grin, and I eagerly agree to the date that's supposed to happen in two days.

Today is finally Friday, and Jace says that we're leaving here at five-thirty to start our date. He refuses to tell me where we're going, or what we're doing. The only thing Jace would tell me is to dress in a nice pair of jeans, and a nice shirt, but to be comfortable, so that's what I'm going to do.

Sighing softly as I study my appearance in the full length mirror in the bedroom that's attached to the backside of the door. Using my fingertips, I comb my hair forward, swoop to the right slightly before leaving my hair alone, and just study my appearance with my icy blue eyes, and hate what I see staring back at me. I'm short, tiny in build, and no tanned skin to speak of. What in the bloody hell does Jace see in me? He's extremely attractive and fucking sexy. Jace is around six feet, muscular build, short dark brown hair, matching brown eyes, and a tan that is just amazing. Alongside his attractive physical appearance, Jace's personality is just so damn kind, sweet and caring.

Finally looking away from my reflection, I open the closed door to head downstairs in search of mama. I have about ten minutes before Jace's ready to leave, so I want to talk with mama. When I don't find her in the house, I head outside in my search, and find her and Kyle leaning against the horse corral fence watching Heath and Morgan working with two of the horses. Slowly making my way over to them, I stand on mama's free side, and lean forward with my arms folded across the top of the fence.

"Are you excited for your date with Jace?" mama questions excitedly when she notices me with a bright smile.

"Yeah, just a little nervous about what to expect since, you know," I murmur with a small shoulder shrug as I keep my eyes glued on Morgan and Heath, and how amazingly they are with the horses.

"I know, baby, but just try to relax because you're going on a date with a very nice person," mama replies, and I know she's telling the truth. "Jace and you'll have fun, and I'm positive that your first date with be the best. Just don't do anything that you're not ready for, okay?"

Nodding in response because I know I'm not ready for sex, especially on the first date, but I'm just gonna try to let things flow as naturally as possible. I know Jace won't push me into anything that I'm not ready for, but I'm just worried that I'm gonna fuck this up, and Jace won't want to have another date with me, and then things will be awkward between him and me.

"Hey, there you are," Jace says from behind us, and I hadn't realized that I zoned out watching the two cowboys and horses, and lost track of time.

My entire body flushes a deep red as I turn to give Jace a sheepish smile, shyly saying; "Sorry Jace. I lost track of time watching Heath and Morgan."

He gives me the brightest, dazzling smile as he stops a foot in front of me, looking me up and down; "Not a problem, Raven. You look really handsome, like always."

His eyes flash over to mama and Kyle for a moment, like he's just realized he said I'm attractive in front of my mama and soon-to-be step-dad, and I manage to stutter out a thanks, and compliment him, too.

"Are you ready to leave?" he asks, stepping closer to take my hands into his, and I eagerly nod before telling mama and Kyle goodbye, and Jace bids them goodbye, too.

He leads me over to his vehicle by the hand, and opens the front passenger door for me when we reach the truck. Blushing again, I softly thank him as I settle myself into the seat, and he replies as he leans across me to buckle me in despite the fact I can do this myself. Before he moves to stand upright, I quickly kiss his left cheek in appreciation, and he looks at me in shock with wide eyes, and slightly open mouth.

Giggling at his shocked expression and my own bold move, he stands upright with a wide, dazzling smile as he shakes his head softly with a mumbled; "You're too damn cute."

He shuts the door, rushes around the hood of the truck to climb inside at the driver's side door, slamming the door shut, bucking himself in, starting the car, and stares at me with a fond smile; "Yeah, you're really damn cute, and you're gonna get whatever you want from me, and I won't have a problem with giving you anything you ask for."

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