Chapter 6

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During dinner that first night, I hate the tension that's in the room because everyone is sitting around the table to eat together. The air is thick with tension, that I swear it could be cut with a dull butter knife, and I'm to blame. I wonder how long before everyone gets tired of me fucking shit up, and I'm either punished for this, or asked to leave. Sitting between Jace and Heath, I slowly pick at the small amount of food I placed on the plate because I'm not very hungry because of my upset stomach.

"Raven, please eat your dinner," mama gently requests when she notices me moving the food around the plate, and not eating much.

"Yes, ma'am," I murmur, and scoop a forkful of the mashed potatoes and corn into my mouth, and slowly chewing.

Feeling like someone is staring at me, I lift my eyes up slightly, finding Axel glaring at me. When he notices my gaze, he fucking smirks at me, and I don't like that at all, in fact, his glare and smirk give me the creeps. I don't know if he's smirking at me because he's gonna do something to me when we're alone, which I don't plan on, or if he's just fucking with me. New plan for now on - avoid being alone with Axel at all costs.

"So, Raven," Kyle starts off, and I snap my head up to look at him, so he doesn't get pissed at me for ignoring him. "Robin tells me that you enjoy music and the arts."

"Yes, sir, I do enjoy both," I murmur with pink tinted cheeks.

Kyle smiles softly at me as he continues; "Please call me Kyle. The high school you'll be attending have wonderful music and arts programs if you'd be interested in joining."

"Thank you for letting me know, sir, I mean Kyle," I softly reply with a tiny smile.

The conversation moves to others and a different topic, and I mull over what he said while I finish my meal. I guess it won't hurt me to try out for the music program, and see if I can register for an art class.

Dinner finally ends, and everyone does their part of cleaning up, and the cowboys head to the bunkhouse for the night. About twenty minutes later, Jace and Kyler come back inside the house as I was starting to have a baking lesson from Robert.

"Hey, where's Raven?" Kyler asks his dad and my mama, who are in the living room watching a movie they just started.

"His in the kitchen with Robert," Kyle answers, and I can hear the confusion in his tone, and I'm confused, too.

They enter the kitchen, both are widely smiling at Robert and me, and they lean their folded arms on top of the counter with Kyler asking; "Would you like to come on a night right with us, Raven?"

"Um, no thank you. Robert is gonna teach me how to bake apple crisp," I shyly answer while fidgeting with my fingertips, a nervous habit of mine.

They frown at me, including Robert who tells me to go on the ride, and that he can teach me how to make an apple crisp another time. Staring at Jace and Kyler for a moment, debating on what to do, I finally nod in agreement, and their smiles widen even more.

"Come on, let's go," Kyler says excitedly, and I follow them out of the house, and into the barn.

They saddle two of the horses which confuses me because I thought they'd want me to figure out how to ride alone after they took them from the stalls.

"Am I riding with someone?" I whisper to them, and they both smile in return.

"You're gonna ride with me, if that's okay with you?" Jace says, and I shyly nod in agreement with pink tinted cheeks.

Jace helps me up onto the saddle before climbing onto the saddle behind me, and holds the reign into his right hand. He settles comfortably behind me, and heat floods my entire body at his proximity, and the dirty thoughts that are flooding my mind at what Jace could do to me sexually. I so would let Jace do whatever and wherever he wanted to me sexually. Man, I swear that I'm a virgin, I know it might not seem like it with what I'm just thinking about.

They walk the horses from the barn, and we amble down the trail by the fence line of the property. The property looks beautiful this time of the night with the sun starting to set, and the sky is starting to turn the beautiful shades of pink, purple, orange, and red.

"It's so peaceful and beautiful here, especially at night," I murmur in awe, and they softly chuckle in agreement.

"The most beautiful sight here on the ranch is you," Jace whispers into my right ear, his warm breath fanning over my skin, causing me to shiver from his words and his breath. "I wanna do naughty, dirty things to you, and your perfect body, but my mama raised a gentleman, so I won't. At least not tonight."

Kyler is far enough ahead of us that thankfully he doesn't hear the moan the leaves my lips at Jace's words. He wraps his left arm across my hips to pull me back a little into his hard member, and I let out a surprised gasp at the size of his bulge that is poking my bubble butt. Yeah, I'm very aware that I have a nice, shapely bubble butt.

"I love how responsive you are to me," he murmurs into my right ear, and I can't help the shiver that runs down my spine, or the soft moan that leaves me.

Man, I seriously need some sort of sexual release, and I might have to relieve myself with my hand tonight in the shower. I'll be thinking about Jace the entire time, too. Hey, gotta get off however I can, and I if I really need to, I can use my dildo while in the shower.

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