Chapter 5

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When lunch is done, everyone but mama, Kyle and I return to whatever they were doing before lunch, and our arrival here. I feel awkward being the third wheel so to speak with mama and Kyle. Biting my lower lip while trying to decide what to do, so I can leave them alone to do whatever it is old people do together that are in love. Would I call them "old" to their faces, absolutely not, I may not be the most intelligent person in the world, but I'm not stupid either, and don't want to upset them in any way.

"Ray, why don't you head out to the horse barn, and Jace can show you the horses," Kyle suggests, and I silently nod, even if I don't want to be in the way.

Exiting the house, I figure out where the horse barn is located, and make my way to the large, red barn that has white fencing attached that is the corral. Shyly entering the barn, I find Jace and Morgan brushing two of the horses. I'm so out of my element here on the ranch - I'm a quiet, shy, city boy who is now living in the country on a ranch with several different kinds of animals.

"Hey, come out to help us?" Jace asks, and I shyly nod.

"I, uh, I don't know what to do though," I softly say. "I, uh, I don't know anything about animals, or how to take care of them. Plus, I don't want to be in anyone's way, so if you want me to go away, just say so, and I'll get out of here."

"We'd like for you to stay, and learn how to do what we do everyday here," Abby says with a sweet smile, and I blush at the intensity of her stare, and I quietly agree to stay and learn from them.

"First thing you're gonna do is come here, so you can learn to properly groom the horses," Jace says, and motions me over to him and the beautiful horse that he was grooming.

"What do I do?" I nervously ask as I scan the huge animal a foot in front of me with wide eyes.

Jace places the brush in my right hand which feels awkward to me because I'm left handed, and helps me brush the horse's hair in smooth motions. Biting my lower lip when Jace moves closer to me, almost pressing his front into my back, and I can feel the heat radiating off his body. My entire body blushes from his proximity and heat from him.

"Are you feeling alright, Raven?" Jace wonders close to my right ear, and his breath softly brushes over my inflamed skin. "Your skin is pink, and goosebumps are coating your skin that I can see."

Softly groaning in frustration at him calling me out for my reaction to him, murmuring; "I'm fine."

When we've finished, they show me where to place away the brushes for the horses, the horses' halters, saddles, and blankets before teaching me how to get the horses into the corral before teaching me how to muck out their stalls.

"Later today, Abby and I have to ride along the fence of the property to make sure nothing needs to be fixed, would you like to come with us?" Jace asks as we finish mucking out the horse stalls.

"I would, but, I, uh, I don't know how to ride horses," I shyly admit as I hang up the pitchfork on the wall with the points upwards.

"That's okay, Raven," Jace replies with a reassuring smile, well that's what I perceive his smile to be. "You can either ride with me, or ride your own horse, and I'll hold the reign."

Chewing on part of my lower lip as I nervously think, I murmur after a moment; "I, uh, I will ride with you. Thanks, Jace, I appreciate you teaching me how to work here."

He nods with an even wider smile as he and Abby hang up their own pitchforks; "Not a problem. I'm happy to teach you as long as you're willing to learn, and actually learn."

"You cowboys aren't being paid to stand around and yap," Axel growls, causing me to flinch in my spot at his tone.

"Sorry, sir," I mumble with red cheeks in embarrassment, and drop my gaze to the dirt floor of the barn.

"Axel, knock your shit off," Abby snaps with fire in her tone as she places her hands onto her thin hips. "You know damn well that Kyle asked Jace and me to teach Raven what it's like to live and work here. We're working, and you aren't our fucking boss, so stop with the fucking attitude."

"Keep mouthing off, and I'll make sure Kyle fires you and Jace," Axel snaps back, and I thickly swallow, knowing that I'm the reason for this fight.

"No, I won't fire them because I heard what was spoken between the two of you," Kyle's voice says from the door of the barn, and I bring my gaze up to find Kyle, mama and Kyler standing there, and Kyle looks pissed. "Jace, Abby, please ride along the fence, and take Raven with you."

"Yes, sir," Jace and Abby agree, and Jace places his right hand on the small of my back, leading me to the corral.

"I'm sorry for causing so much trouble for you guys," I mumble, loud enough for them to hear me with a sniffle.

"You didn't cause any trouble for us, Raven," Abby assures, pulling me into a quick hug before stepping away to grab a saddle and a halter with reins for one of the horses.

Peaking at Jace through my fringe, he catches my gaze, and gives me a small smile as he rubs my back where his hand is resting; "Abby is right. You aren't causing any trouble. Axel likes to think he's in charge of us when Kyle or Kyler aren't around. He forgets himself and his place, and that one day he's gonna piss Kyle off enough one day, and that Kyle's gonna fire him. I hope that day is sooner rather than later. "

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