Chapter 5

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What do I do what should I do, she says to herself

She sees a player saying: Run for your lives, Run for your lives!!!

She starts to run she tells herself that it's not real its all a video game!!! It's all programmed to make people scared.

She makes a hole into the ground and makes a portal back to the beginning of the game. She arrives there and she see the place almost empty she sees a female avatar. She calls out and they reply and she sees them make abnormal emotes.

She starts to distance herself and all of a sudden the avatar disappeared. She starts to think she checks the player list and sees a message saying: 《You think you can run ... let me tell you something no one get away from me.》 And at the end it had a signature: The Virus.

She starts to have suspicions that maybe The Virus was a V.I.P. avatar able to comsume other players or it was something the owners of the game did to divert their attention.

Her computer vibrates and she sees a not pop up: unread message from Block17. She caught herself smiling thinking she was right that it was joke she clicks on it and she gets swallowed by the monster. Both her avatar and her got swallowed in to the game. Her head started ache her body felt like it was being disintegrated...

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