Chapter 8

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-Yeah, I agree with you it's getting late would u like to make a house or come to mine??? Or you can just go home oh wait u can't.
- Can u pls stop being a jerk, she says
- Would a jerk offer to share his house with a total stranger.

She rolls her eyes and says: No I'm good.

He laughs and says: Just be careful they announced freezing rain so unless you know someone else in the game I suggest you stay close.

She takes out her note book to take notes abt the place and to examine the place. She goes to the Sanghi River to drink bc legend has it that it's a healing river. She kneels down to get her water and obviously to admire herself but to her surprise her reflection isn't that of Mifsa but that of her actual self. She's so confused that she doesn't hear foot steps . This player advanced slowly to see Red_feather136.

He looks into the river and sees her reflexion and says: Well, well, well, if it isn't that class' drama queen? She is shocked she turns back to see an avatar. She moves back prudently and asks: Who are you.

He invites her to come she sees his reflection and chuckled and says: And if it isn't the class clown? He grins and says: So you wanted all the money for yourself didn't you.

They both laugh.

They talk to themselves as time goes by and they say their goodbyes only to head in the same way. As soon as he opens the door the wind and the cold catches them off guard. The door slams and Astroassasin_28 says: Do you by any chance have a house??
- I was hoping to ask you that question.
- So, smart girl what do think we should do.
She confused as to why she was called smart girl, he asks her to promise that she wouldn't be mad after. And she did that.

-Do you remember that day when our math teacher said that whom ever cheats or says anything will get a zero?
-Do u remember what you got?
-Yes, she says starting to understand. So I failed bc of you, she yells. She start to throw sticks at him. She yells: If not for you my parents would have been together and my mom would not be in a horrible condition I wouldn't even have to be here. She fleas outside into the cold unprotected.

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