Chapter 3

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Waking up, Susan off the alarm clock ringing in her ears. She checked the time, it is 5:00am as usual. She stood up, went to the bathroom to wash her face, and changed from her sleepwear. Staring at her face in the mirror, she could notice some dark cycles. She had slept late last night.

Susan had put on a simple sport bra, and short. Leaving her room, she is headed to the inbuilt gym in her mansion.

Susan spends an hour in the gym every morning to keep fit. Don't let appearance deceive you, Susan looks petite, but she is real strong. She had learnt martial arts skills since a young age, basically for self defense at first, but along the line it has become more to Susan.

Susan is a beautiful lady, with an astonishing long blond hair that ladies will kill for. She's fairly above the average height, her skin is white, soft, and pale in complexion. Her beautiful deep green eyes are intriguing, mysterious, and captivating. She carries an aura of authority every time.

After her workout session, she headed to her room, her bed has been laid already. She took her bathe, dried her hair, she wore a robe and headed to her walk in closet and picked a striking blue formal gown, with a black high-heeled shoe with a stunning design. She applied a simple makeup on her beautiful face to hide her dark cycles. Looking at herself in the mirror, she stared at the cross necklace on her neck with a faint smile. Poured her hair down, looking all businesslike and gorgeous.

Stepping out of her room in her latest designer bag and wears, she headed to the dining room for her breakfast. When she got to the dining room, she was greeted by her maids.
"Good morning ma'am Susan" they all said in unison.

Susan only responded with a wave of her hand and sat down, and the maids served her meal diligently and carefully. Susan ate alone, while still sitting, she informed one of the maids standing beside her to tell the driver that she is ready to head to work.

She wipes her mouth with the napkin, Susan stood up and headed to her driver to ride her to work.

Susan Jones is the CEO of TL enterprise. TL is an acronym for her Mama's name, Tracy Lace. Her beloved mama life had taught her a lot of things. Her mama had wet through hell, the good will always suffer. The weak will always be oppressed by the strong people. Susan had sworn to be a woman of power in the society, no matter who she has to crush or destroy to gain her goal, and she is proud of her accomplishments but still feels a void in her heart, something she can't really explain.

She got into her latest Mercedes-Benz and her driver drove her to her company, their was less traffic jam on the way, because she left home early.

She walked into the company, her staff are always gushing her beautiful appearance all the time and her aura. Stepping in, she is always greeted by most of her staff in the lobby. "Good morning ma", the secretaries said with a smile. Susan most times doesn't respond to their greetings. She find it exhausting to respond to all of their greetings.

She entered her presidential elevator, while walking smartly. She could remember the rumor that had been going around lately in the company. She had on occasions heard it directly from her Personal assistant mouth. In the company, she is known as an "ice woman". Funnily, the reason she is called an "ice woman" is because of her expressionless face. Likewise, she chose to not address the rumor, and allow them the freedom to think anything they want to. Humans are bound to have opinions about another person, so she doesn't really care about it. After stepping out of the elevator, her personal secretary who is also her personal assistant, Ruth Paul immediately stood up to greet her.

"Good morning ma"

"Morning Ruth"

"Ma, you have a meeting by 9am"

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