Chapter 1 Pt 2: Oh..Hey :)

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A picture of the referenced boy she bumps into (Colson) Above :)

As i got in the school i managed to find my way into the office, where a cute old lady sat with curly gray hair and a blue blazer. Walking towards her she smiles at me cheerfully and says

"Oh you must be Allison! I've got all your paperwork right here!" she extended her hand out to me, handing me some papers with a map and extra flyers about the school.

"Oh thank you!" i said with a big smile,

"Ma'am?' i asked turning around

"Yes Dear?" she replies looking concerned

"Does this flyer really say Apple eating contest?" i asked in disbelief

She giggled and nodded her head before respond "Now hurry up we don't want you to be late on your first day!"

i read over everything carefully and walked back out into the hallway. I was following the map to my first class when i looked up a little too late and ran straight into someone, my papers scattered and i almost hit the ground, i felt arms wrap around me giving me a secured feeling i apologized immediately moving away from their grasp and crouched down to pick up my papers

"Shit I'm really sorry i wasn't paying any attention" i heard a guy say as a warm hand brushes over mine helping me pick up my stuff, as i was taking the papers from him, i looked up meeting some wildly attractive blue eyes.

"You must be new" He said smoothly as he smiled,

"Yeah today's my first day" i replied coyly

"Do you need help finding your classes? It's the least i can do for trying to bulldoze you." He said sounding worried

"I uhm.. Well I appear to be directionally challenged at the moment so if you could just point the way maybe?" i said noticing my face had heated up in embarrassment.

What's your first class?" he said looking at my papers,

"English" i said happily looking down at the map, He chuckled in return to my excited tone.

"That's my first class too come on I'll walk you there" He replied still shaking his head at my chipper attitude, i followed him through the hall and heard some whispers from a group of cheerleaders as we passed,

"Looks like he's already targeting the new meat"

"i bet he bumped into her on purpose"

"she's not even that pretty anyways".

I sighed which i guess had caught his attention,

"You all good newbie?" he asked with a concerned tone,

I glanced over observing his face to see a worried expression,

"Oh yeah i was just trying to ignore the looks and comments I've been getting" I said brushing my hair out of my face.

He replies to my comment with an "ah" shaking his head while glancing up at the ceiling,

"You'll get a lot of comments for the first couple months but it'll smooth over" He said with a sigh and tone of frustration.

I just nodded in return to his comment wondering why he sounded frustrated while we walked up to the English room, i tried to hide behind him from the teacher as we walked in to avoid the introduction,

"Ms. Wolf?" i heard behind me. I let a breath of defeat out turning around with a smile

"yes ma'am?" i replied

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