Chapter 3 Pt 1: You have what??

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Taking in a deep breath to calm myself i put on a regular tee shirt and as I'm sliding it down, i hear,

"Whoa i would've never guessed you had tattoo's" Barret said from behind me, dropping my shirt down i turned my head seeing him stand there awestruck,

"Wait you have tattoo's?" I heard Key say as he came around the corner looking just as surprised,

"Why are Y'all acting like its Taboo, You're all covered in them?" i said irritated because Barret snooped on me while changing,

"Uh because you're like a goody goody?? How many was that?? Because i saw at least like four" Barret said almost yelling at me while point at my back, I rolled my eyes sliding past them to see an amused looking Griffin sitting on the couch running his hand through his messy hair and shaking his head,

"Leave the poor girl alone you too" Griffin said in a joking tone, I shot him a sideways glance as i plopped down on the other side of the couch, Barret walked over sitting beside me i felt his arm brush against mine in return i scrunched my nose up and simply said "Yeah no" standing back up sitting on the other side of Key.

"I cant believe you didn't even tell your best friend you had tattoos" Key mumbled with his arms crossed, that was it i was beyond aggravated to the point i stood up lifting my shirt up to the bottom of my bra showing Key the ones on my stomach and then turning around to show him the ones on my back,

"Do you want me to show you the ones on my ass too?" I smarted off with major attitude,

"Uh Yes please?" I heard Barret say sounding excited,

Suddenly i felt a hand graze my side where my dragon tattoo was, I looked over to see Griffin observing it carefully. I dropped my shirt down on his hand clearing my throat which made him back off,

"Damn so how many do you have?" Key said seeming overly interested,

"I have a Snapdragon under boob tattoo, i have dragons on each side of my ribcage one with a lotus and one with cherry blossoms, i have the cobra that goes down my spine from bra strap down and I'm not telling you what tattoos are on my ass or where the other one is" I said sitting back down by Key and Griffin,

"Wait you said plural you have multiple tattoos on your ass?" Key said in disbelief,

"Yeah i have two" I mumbled looking at the food in front of us, wishing we could just drop the subject.

"Hey, I forgot to grab the drinks from the car could you go get them?" Barret said to anyone who was listening, I immediately stood up walking to the door.

"Griffin can you-" Key was cut off by the fact Griffin got up and followed me out,

"Hey nerd wait up" I heard Griffin huff behind me, i slowed down glancing back hoping the conversation would be about something else,

"Thanks, Hey could i maybe see your tattoos up close later i need some inspiration and I had already planned on getting some dragon related ones,and i dig the art style you have" He stated sounding almost nervous of my answer, I let a heavy breath out walking out the complex door,

"Yeah I guess" I replied quietly putting in the code to Key's car door and opening it, i bent over the seat to grab the drinks when i felt hands lightly grab my hips.

I stopped grabbing the drinks and asked him "Hey can you please not?" sliding my hand down my face, I could feel his hands move off and as much as i would love to have them all over me i was full of anxiety right now.

"Yeah my bad, You alright?" i heard him question in return sounding puzzled by my statement, I grabbed all the drinks backing up from the door, when i did i felt myself back up into him.

"You know asking me to stop touching you and then grinding up on me is a total contradiction right?" Griffin said with a sarcastic tone to his voice and a jerkish smug on his face.

"Sweetheart that was not grinding, but if you ever want a lesson on what it actually is let me know" I replied confidently while managing to push the lock button. He moved around me and closed the door taking two drinks from me,

"I'll definitely be giving you a call for that lesson i don't think I'd want to miss it" He chuckled walking back in with me, honestly he's not so bad i don't know if that's the lust talking or the anxiety but he actually helped me calm down a bit.

"Alice can i ask you a question?" I heard Griffin ask from behind me,

"Uh yeah can i give you an answer?" i replied back sarcastically rolling my eyes,

"Do your hips always sway like that when you walk?" He said clearly staring at my ass

"I'm gonna assume so since its the way i walk?" I mumbled flustered by his question,

"It's pretty fucking hot" he stated there was something in his voice i couldn't quite figure out.

"Can you stop staring at my ass?" I asked super sweetly stopping in the hallway to turn and look at him,

"Mmm Nah I'd rather not unless you feel like making me?" he retorted closing the distance between us,

"Can y'all hurry i dying of thirst up here!!" I heard Barret yell from upstairs, i huffed before turning away from him and walking up the stairs.

"Fuck" i heard Griffin mumble from behind me, i glance back to see him completely zoned in on my ass.

As we get back into the apartment we set everything down and started eating, the rest of the night was quite. I ended up falling asleep during the movie, i had set on the edge of the couch this time so i could lay down without being touched.


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