Chapter 2 Pt 2: Sometime I....F.U.....In My Head

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Insert the back half of the Bar at a glance :)

I finished my whiskey before telling Key "I'm gonna go grab another drink" with a heavy voice, I stood up walking towards the bar i heard behind me,

"So about this hate fucking you brought up.......Is that an offer?" Griffin says curiously coming up beside me,

"Do you really think I'd agree to that?" I replied furrowing my brow before looking over at him, i didn't realize how close he was standing.. When i had looked over at him we were eye to eye, and I'm not gonna lie my breath got caught in my throat,

"Well nerd you're the one who brought it up so i just figured I'd ask for clarification before turning you down" he shrugged looking at the bar and before i could even reply i felt an arm slip around my waist,

"Hey Gor-"

I cut the stranger off by snapping "Remove your hand" the anger in my tone was clear as day,

"Oh come on love you haven't even-"

This time i cut him off by grabbing his wrist twisting it back and slamming his face against the bar.

"I recommend in the future keeping your hands off me" I said through gritted teeth

The bartender whistled and security grabbed him and escorting him away,

"Looks like there's more to you then i thought kitten" Griffin said chuckling as he grabbed his drink walking away,

"You Okay Alice?" the bartender Tommy said concerned while putting his arms on the bar,

i smiled slightly and wiggled my shoulders in discomfort "Yeah i just-"

"Hate being touched, I've Noticed" He said looking a little worried about me then i saw his eyes trail off to where i was sitting,

"Is that guy that was up here something to you?" He mumbled seeming unsure,

"The one that sat there and did nothing Hell no" i said rolling my eyes sipping my drink,

"He sure is staring super hard" Tommy chuckled looking at me he scanned my expression lets out a breath "I have to get back to work" he said as he patted my hand,

There was another drink in front of me instead of asking questions i just ignored it till i finished mine,

"Hey kid you mind singing a couple more songs till Amber gets here?" i heard from my boss as she runs up behind me looking scattered,

"No, I don't mind" i said finishing my 3rd drink turning around heading to stage, It's not like a couple more songs will kill me.

I thought about it for a second walking on stage before telling the Pianist the next two songs i wanted "Dirty Thoughts" By Chloe Adams and "Unholy" by Hey Violet


After i walked past the table where the boys where at with a bottle of the whiskey i was drinking, to my table of regulars,

"I am loving the new songs Alice" One of the old men said with a bright smile, i sat on the edge of his chair giving him a side hug,

"Thank you for the Bottle Charles" I said through a fake smile standing back up,

"Anything for my favorite show!" He said happily gesturing to his table,

"i actually have to go i have friends waiting on me" I said pouting,

"But I'll set with you the next time you come in okay!" i said with false enthusiasm.

"I'll Hold you to that Alice" He chuckled waving me off.

I walked to the back grabbing my black trench coat that i use to cover my costume, I've been told it's pretty attractive but that's just old men, walking towards the guy i said to Key,

"Hey, I'm gonna go ahead and head back so i can shower, I'll See you later"

I hugged him walking off i heard steps behind me once i got outside i glanced behind me,

"There's no sneaking up on you is there?" Griffin's voice came out of the darkness as he walked up, giving him a puzzled look i replied cautiously,

"If you did what i did for a living, as well as walked home everyday I'm sure you would too"

"Let me give you a ride home" He said nonchalantly walking past me to the same Old school 76 Mustang, Black and chrome it was a beauty.

Is this guy seriously offering me a ride?.... Something gotta give....

"I think I'd rather walk.. Thanks" i said warily looking away about to walk off

"It wasn't a request, it was a statement" He said with an authority in his tone almost like he was testing me.

I snorted glancing over and said while laughing "I'm sorry but who made you daddy? i crossed my arms squaring off my stance to face him completely shocked by his statement.

He walked over to me glancing around, once he was directly in front of me "I did" He stated in a serious tone, Then he scooped me up and threw me over his shoulder walking towards the car,

"PUT ME DOWN" I said with a harsh tone hitting his back,

I doubt he even felt that his back is so buff...

"You hit pretty hard for a girl" I heard him mumble as he rolled the shoulder i was laying over which made me grab his sides. He chuckled and said,

"I won't drop you i think we both know that, but if you want to use that as an excuse to touch me go ahead," The amusement in his voice was infuriating,

"I..Do..Not..Want..To..Touch..You.. NOW PUT ME DOWN" i said the first part through gritted teeth and snapped the last bit. He set me down in front of him and as i tried to move around him he pinned me against his car, his breath hit my ear as he whispered

"Either get in the car or I'm going to make you" his voice was deep and had a hint of arousal in it.

Lets just say i felt his voice in my soul..

"Fuck you" i mumbled looking to the side, he backed away after i said that with a charming smile on his face he reached his hand up grabbing my chin playfully,

"When and Where Kitten?" he asked with a pretty goofy looking grin on his face and i had to hide the fact i wanted to smile,

How can someone be so infuriating yet so alluring..

"Open the door" i replied with a defeated huff and a roll of the eyes.

I stepped out of the way and he opened the door gesturing me in, i made sure when i got in none of my outfit messed up his leather seats.

"Thank you" He said with a quiet tone seeing somewhat appreciative,

"For what?" i answered back with hesitation not knowing what he was thanking me for,

"Being easy on my seats" he mumbled closing the door walking around, and getting in.

After that we just went to the apartment in silence..

Why does this guy get me so more then one way...

"vous êtes trop" (You're too much) i mumbled in French before we got there, I felt him glance at me but he didn't saying anything i could've sworn i saw a slight smile creep across his face.


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