Chapter Two

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Viserya Pov

"Well you have a beautiful name. And this is Stiles and Scott." Lydia told me. Lydia pointed at the boys who are my mates and their names are Stiles and Scott. A Silver FJ Cruiser pulls up with four more werewolves in it. I tilt my head as the window goes down and I see a guy with jet black hair who's wearing sunglasses and a leather jacket, so my guess this is Derek.

Stiles brings me to the passenger seat of his light blue Jeep. "Now you'll be my passenger princess." Stiles told me as he opens the door for me. I get in and puts my seatbelt on. Lydia and Scott gets into the back of Stiles' Jeep. Stiles closes the passenger door and runs over to the driver's seat and get into the Jeep. Stiles pulls out of the parking lot and drives to my family house with Derek driving behind us.

I go onto my phone and texts my uncles. I jump a little as I feel a hand on my thigh. I look down to see Stiles hand gripping my thigh. I cross my legs making his hand be in between my thighs. From the corner of my eye I see him smirking. I shake my head as we get to a gate. I get out of the jeep and go to the driver's side and put in the pin. "Holy Shit!" I hear everyone yell. The gate opens as I get back into the passenger's seat.

Stiles and Derek drives up the driveway. "Wow. I'm not as rich for this." Lydia says. I nodded. "Well perks for having a family who lived since the Viking Age." I said. "Wait what?! You are telling me there were people living in America before the Native American?" Stiles asks me. I nodded. "Yep. My uncles will help you understand the family history." I answered his question.

As Stiles and Derek park their cars by the garages. We all get out of the car and I closed the passenger door and walks up to the front door. I turn to see Stiles, Scott, Lydia, Derek and three more werewolves behind me. "Uh. sorry but um, who are you guys?" I asked the boy who has the same skin tone as me, a boy with dirty blonde hair and a girl with a dirty look.

"I'm Isaac, this is Boyd and Erica. And that's Derek our Alpha." Isaac told me. I nodded. "Alright. Try not to break anything please." I told everyone who was right behind me and they all nodded. I opened the front door and walked in as I yelled for my uncle. "Uncle Kol, Uncle Finn. I'm back and I brought a few people with me and two of my mates!"

I hear a huge whoosh. Uncle Finn and uncle Kol are standing right behind me on the stairs and I have my back facing them. "Why is there puppies here?" Uncle Kol asks me. "Well the one between the one wearing the flannel and the girl with strawberry blonde caught my scent and noticed that I'm not human. He's a werewolf along with that group next to the girl with Strawberry blonde." I told him and uncle Finn. They nodded.

"Let's settle down in the living room." Uncle Finn said. I nodded as I grabbed Stiles and Scott's hands and showed them and everyone else where the living room is. Stiles sits down as he pulls me onto his lap while Scott sits next to us.. "What are you?" Derek asks me and my uncle. "Relax Darling. We aren't here to hurt anyone. We are here to protect my dear niece here." Uncle Kol told him.

"Well I'm a tribrid making me ⅓ werewolf but not your kind of werewolf, ⅓ witch and ⅓ vampire but I haven't triggered my vampire side yet." I told them. I look at Stiles and Scott looks at me with love even though I'm not 100% human like him. I smile at them as I snuggle into Stiles' chest.

"My family are the original vampire. We are the MIkaelson. This is My uncle Finn and uncle Kol. I have an uncle Elijah, an uncle Henrik but he died the day my family was turned into vampires and I have an aunt Rebekah. My Dad is Niklaus Mikaelson or Klaus. He is the original hybrid and he is doing a ritual to get his wolf back." I told the pack.

They nodded. "Can you tell us how your family turned?" Stiles asks me. I nodded. "Why don't you tell them while I get some drinks." Uncle Finn told me and I nodded as he went into the Kitchen with Uncle Kol. 

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