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Dior Bettencourt 🔒 @diorbettencourt

With Koa watching...I can show him exactly why I love skating.


5:20 PM

He tied my skates for me.

And put on my gloves.

And he was waiting by the edge of the rink when I was done.

And we're holding hands while he's driving. 😵

OK, I have never touched a boy in my entire life but the way this man touches me - like it's not even sexual

I mean there's a part that's sexual and physical because we're so insanely attracted to each other but

There's just tenderness and kindness and

The way he does things with his cooking - precise, definite, meticulous, forceful, and harsh...

It's not the way he does things with me.

And I don't know what I'm doing. I really don't.

But it feels natural to just hug him by the arm while he drives, us holding hands, and he turns his head to kiss my forehead every chance he gets.

And my stomach drops every time. 😵

He's so gentle with me, J.

He knows about the violence of your mind and body

And then your heart when you were giving up on figure skating

That gentleness is exactly what you need and what you deserve after all these years, D

To see you as just you and not expect anything back

Dior Bettencourt 🔒 @diorbettencourt

Just Dior and Just Koa.

Dior Bettencourt 🔒 @diorbettencourt

This world na kaming dalawa lang - I want to belong here. And I do.

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