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Skyler moved from Connecticut to Louisiana it's 2009. The setting is place at there new home.
Her dad is with her her mom is on a business trip.

She is going to a new school it was her first day she was getting ready."Dad where are my shoes?! It's my first day I need to look perfect"Skyler said.

"Skyler you don't need to look perfect you already are."the dad said, "Well it's my first day I need to have good friends not the nerdy ones I had last year"."Ok"said The dad "your shoes I believe are in the laundry room have a nice day at school. I'll pick you up after now the bus is waiting"."Ok"said Skyler bye! "Bye Sky" said the dad.

Skyler got on the bus she listened to music the whole way no one noticed her really. She got off the bus she was really nervous no one would like her. She went to her classroom it took her a while to find it but eventually she did. The Teacher Mrs.Cole said "Attention students this is our new student Skyler". Skyler felt weird in her stomach but then she remembered that it's going to be fine. She waved and so did some of the class."You can have a seat over there with Judy Mrs.Cole said."Ok said Skyler she walked to the back and sat next to Judy."Hi"Judy said, "Hi" said Skyler.
"So your new where did you move from"?
"Connecticut" she said. "Cool" said Judy "after this we have P.E but then we have art then lunch do you want to sit with me"? "Sure" said Skyler I mean I need a friend to not look like a nerd"."Yea true do you mind if someone else sits with us her name is Ashley"? "I don't mind only if she's nice".
"Ok"said Judy. The bell rang that means it's time for P.E Skyler and Judy were packing then they left the classroom. Judy shows Skyler the places before P.E starts she says " Ok so if you like they let you change in here girls only obviously and after you can take a shower but I would bring a towel to hang for privacy". "Ok" said Skyler "I actually brought two towels so if you need one you can have use one at my old school they had the same thing I'm going to go change are you"? "Yes can I use your towel please"? "Of course"!
Skyler gives her the towel and they help each other hang it up they change come out and do P.E they run,do pull-ups,and jump rope. Then art comes Skyler ask "Is this a grade because I will definitely fail"? "Sorry to say this but yes it's not hard but not easy though". "Ok" Skyler said "it's fine". Art happens for a hour and then they go to lunch.
They see Ashley there she has dirty blonde hair with freckles and wearing shorts with a half shirt with long sleeves she was gorgeous. "Woah Skyler said "We're sitting with her she's so pretty unlike me". "Hey don't say that your pretty to and yes we're sitting with her" Judy and Skyler sat next to Ashley and then Ashley said "Hey Jude who is this"? "This is Skyler "Hey" said Skyler "Hi" said Ashley " Great to meet you" You to".They get there lunch and starts eating Judy says "Ok so do y'all want to come to my house after school"? "If y'all are busy it's ok" "I can" said Ashley "Me to" Skyler said. "Ok" Judy says her address and then Skyler says "I need to go to the bathroom be right back". She walks to the bathroom and bumps into a boy who's name is Jayden he says "Are you ok? I'm so sorry." " Its ok" She said. They look at each other deeply in there eyes. They both start to laugh and he says "Hey your the new girl right"? "Yea" She said "What's your name"? "It's Jayden" he said "hope to see you around" "You to" She said. Skyler hot butterflies in her stomach she walked back to the lunchroom after she went to the bathroom of course they finished eating and went to there next class reading while they were walking Ashley brought up about her new boyfriend which was...Jayden! Skylers stomach hurt she just started liking him and didn't like anyone else but she new that it's the first day and I will meet more people. They finish reading and the last class is history then Skylers dad comes to pick her up from school She asked " Can I go to my friends house"? "Her dad said right now I just picked you up I didn't even here about your day"? Skyler says "I know but please dad I'll tell you everything later please"! "Fine he said where does she live"? Skyler tells him where it is and they go to her house.

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