Project: Earth

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Humans are such sad little creatures. The human huddles in the far corner of its cage.

We've been watching for many millennia and they have just barely touched the stars now.

So much for our experiment. Creating intelligent creatures is much harder than we anticipated.

Yes, much. What shall we do? We've waited this long, shall we wait longer, or scrap the project? The human makes a whimpering sound. How pitiful.

I do not know. They have yet to discover us even watching them. They don't show much potential. I think we should just scrap the whole thing.

Ah yes, it has been a while, but they have shown a tad bit of improvement in the last little bit. I think we should wait. At least for another century or two. Once they come to a standstill and do not seem to develop much farther is when I say we stop the project.

We both turn to the specimen we brought from the planet to test.

Are you sure we should wait? This one we brought doesn't seem much smarter than the first of its kind that we placed there.

That is true, but one specimen doesn't account for the species as a whole.

We are quiet for a moment longer, looking at the animal. Pale limbs wrapped around itself, stringy hairs covering its head, a fearful look in its eyes.

Okay, a few more centuries. If they haven't become intelligent by then we scrap it and start on the next one.

Sounds good to me. Should we send this one back?

He stares at it for a while longer

Might as well. None of the others will believe his tales anyway.

Prompt: An alien's Project

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