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I Always thought I was better than my sister. People feared her and thought her a monster. Yet I was scarier and they had never heard of me. So unfair.

I am watching the small town from the tree line. It's about two in the morning. No one is out and about at this time unless they have a death wish. Time to hunt.

I don't try to disguise myself. Not until I have chosen my prey yet anyways. I walk down the quiet streets, keeping an eye out. That is when I spot him walking down the street, back to me. My smile splits my face in half.

"Perfect" I whisper, forcing myself to shrink down and appear more human. I walk up behind him. "Sir?" he whips around to face me, startled. I smile, being careful to not let it split my face too far. That would be a shame if my smile gave it away before I could even hunt him. "I apologize, I didn't mean to scare you." I say with as much innocence as I could muster.

"Oh, no need to apologize. I just didn't expect a young lady like yourself to be out so late. Is something of the matter?" He replies, relaxing at my act.

"Yes actually. I feel really nervous walking by myself, do you mind walking me home?" I ask, making my voice shake ever so slightly to sell the fear. "I'd feel less nervous with a guy walking with me." I see him fix his posture, puffing our his chest ever so slightly. Bingo.

"Well of course I can help you with that. Wouldn't want a lady like you walking alone in the dead of night anyways."

I check myself, not allowing my smile to break and give me away. "Thank you so much!" I gesture for him to follow me. Too easy.

We walk for a while towards the direction of the tree line, passing houses and roads. I let myself fall behind him, and just tell him directions. He makes idle chatter with me, to which I respond as best I can. We finally make it to the outskirts of the town.

"Hey, where is your house?" He finally asks, uncertain.

"Oh, it's in the forest. Just a little ways, not too far in. That is why I asked you to escort me; the forest makes me nervous at night." He shifts a bit uncomfortable.

"The forest? Uh–"

"Are you uncomfortable?" I ask, making my smile drop from my face. "That's okay if you don't want to continue. I understand. Thank you for coming this far with me." I turn and continue walking toward the trees. I hear him shuffle his feet behind me. I count down under my breath. 3...2...1...

"Wait!" I turn. Perfect timing. "I can go with you, you say it's not far?"

"Not at all!" I say giving him a controlled smile. He nods and starts out after me. I wait for him until he is just ahead of me so he can't see me.

We make it to the cover of the trees. Finally. I allow the stuffy disguise to slip away as we walk deeper into the forest. 9 feet tall, pale gray skin, limp black hair, and arms that end just below my knees. My smile splits my face completely in half. See, I am better than my dear sister, Momo. She was lazy and people discovered her. People don't know about me. They don't know to be fearful.

The man pauses, his senses finally warning him of the dangers. I pause behind him, still in my full glory. Sad how humans ignore their gut feelings and wander into situations such as this. He turns slowly to face me. His face goes white as a ghost as he looks up at me. I lunge for him as he lets out a beautiful, blood-curdling scream.

Prompt: Momo's sister

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