Chapter 2: Because of You

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A tall boy stalked to the counter where Ken was making himself busy wiping down and restocking the display of various pastries. "What can I do for you?" Ken asked, rag still in hand. The boy held a paper that, in large print, stated HELP WANTED.

"I'd like an interview."


Akito quickly turned his head to An in disbelief. "Since when were you guys accepting new hires?"

"My dad had posted flyers around Vivid Street the same week you went out of town. While I insisted that I was doing just fine on my own, Dad still sent stuff around. I don't think anyone actually came for an interview, though," An explained.

Ken spoke warmly to the stranger. "Come on, I can see you in the back right now if that works for you."

He politely smiled and gave a bow. "Yes, that would be perfect. Thank you, sir."

"Oh, please call me Ken. Formalities make me feel old, but I do appreciate them. I haven't seen such a respectful kid like you in some time," he snuck a glance at the table Akito and An sat at and An gaped her mouth in protest.

The boy remained silent but smiled softly as he was welcomed behind the counter into Ken's office.

"I was gone for what?? 3 months? Why didn't you say anything?" Akito started.

"I didn't think about it!" An replied defensively, putting her hands up in surrender.

"I do have to say, at least the person interested in the job isn't some random old dude. I'd hate to be working with a guy the same age as my dad by myself. Oh my god, that would have sucked so bad." An rambled, running her hands down her face.

Akito couldn't help but laugh. He missed the goofy nature of their conversations at this very booth and the smell of the coffee and the quiet chatter of other customers. The cafe was where he was just like he was just like everyone else in the world. No paparazzi, no screaming fans, just him, An, and the customers.


The interview was over relatively quickly and the boy from before emerged, thanking Ken for the opportunity and all the other formalities he said to disregard.

As he walked past the table he nodded to them but didn't speak. He had a strange look on his face, Akito noticed, as if he wanted to say something but was scared to.

BAD DOG waved to him. "Yo."

"Huh?-" the stranger, startled, made eye contact with the ginger. He collected himself quickly, "I mean, Hello. Hi-, I uh..."

An smiled awkwardly as she shifted her gaze between the blue haired boy and Shinonome. "What are you doing?" She asked through her teeth, quiet enough that it stayed between the table. Akito's face settled into a lazy smile and without changing his volume, "I'm making an acquaintance."

"What's your name?" He asked, his head resting in his hand.

"Why would you want to know my name?" The other boy asked quietly in response. He was staring at the ground, rocking back and forth on his feet.

"I mean, I'll know it eventually, so I guess it didn't hurt to ask. Especially if you're going to work here," Akito folded his arms, "I just wanted to know now. Save the trouble for later, y'know?" Akito scooted closer to the wall and pat the part of the bench next to him. "Sit down."

The stranger was even more hesitant. He shifted glances with the girls at the table, their faces welcoming but tense and ever so slightly confused. An shrugged at him and gestured to the seat.

Make The Most Of It - AkitoyaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin