Chapter One

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Jack Kelly looked over the list put up in the towns square, not expecting to find his name. Sure enough, his name was no where to be found. And, to say the least, he wasn't disappointed. He didn't want to go off somewhere where he knew no one and be the target oof someone's affection, even if this someone was Princess Katherine Pulitzer. Jack would rather stay in Manhattan with his boys.

" Hey, Jack! " Les Jacobs called, waving him over to where he, his brother, and Kayleigh Wilson were also looking at the list. Jack walked over, wondering what all the fuss was about. David tapped his shoulder, pointing to the list. There, clear as day, was Jack's name at number 20. He was shocked, honestly.

" What should I do? " he asked, that being the first thing that came to his mind. Kayleigh scoffed, " You seriously cannot be asking that question... " she stated, groaning. Jack stared at David, hoping for better advice from him. " Jack, this is King Pulitzer and Princess Katherine, we're talking about. " he informed his friend. " A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. " and Jack couldn't reply but agree.

Katherine Pulitzer, she was a mystery to a newsie such as Jack. A beautiful mystery, at that. Of course, he hadn't necessarily seen much of her, besides the papers. Still, even black and white print couldn't hide her beauty. And the fact that Jack was going to be able to see her, and maybe even touch her?

He knew what he had to do.

So, the next day, Jack Kelly set out onto a train for ( insert random castle name here. ). Everyone was there, ready to see him off. Crutchie, Les, and Davey were the saddest to see him go. However, they knew that this was a big opportunity for Jack, and that fueled them to be happy for him. Jack sighed as he boarded the train.

Now or never.

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