Chapter Two

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Katherine Pulitzer sighed from her balcony, watching as at least fifty suitors walked to and fro in the palace garden. She hadn't wanted to do this, but her father had made her. She wasn't interested in being a wife, just yet. Katherine was only seventeen. There was no arguing with King Joseph Pulitzer, though, and that's why she gave up after trying to argue only twice.

" Princess Katherine? " Hannah, one of the many maids at the palace, walked into Katherine's room. The girl turned around, dreading whatever was to come. However, she hiked up her gown as she made her way down the many stairs, Hannah following. They reached the garden, and the boys stopped whatever they were doing. Katherine inwardly rolled her eyes, hating how she always had to be center of attention.

It got really, really annoying.

After shaking each and every hand, her father stated that there would be a ball in the ballroom. A celebration, he had called it. Katherine, in all honestly, didn't see a cause to celebrate. Yay to giving up her youth? Yeah, right.

Nevertheless, Katherine was forced to dance with at least every boy there. Some were actually pretty good dancers, while some stepped on her toes. She couldn't wait for this to be over, in all honesty. " May I take 'er from here? " Katherine turned, seeing a boy with black, curly hair. The other boy-Charles, his name was-nodded and moved away from Katherine, going to mingle.

" Oh my God, thank you. " Katherine smiled gratefully, curtsying. If it weren't for her father watching, she would've skipped the curtsies. The boy smirked back at her, winking. " Looked like ya were havin' da time a' yer life, " he replied, making Katherine laugh. " Katherine, " she told him, expecting him to say how he knew what her name was.

" Jack. Jack Kelly. " the boy, Jack, said nothing of the sort. It was great to her that, at least to him, she wasn't Princess Katherine. " So, where are you from? " she asked him, rolling her eyes as her father gave her a look. How was dancing going to help her get to know her suitors? Wasn't that what this whole thing was about?

" Manhattan, " Jack replied, noticing her father's glances. It was then that he secured one arm around her waist, grasping her hand with the other one. Katherine grinned, putting her free hand around his neck. " Fast learner, " she noted, earning a scoff. " If I'm bein' honest, my friend and I worked on it when we found out I was comin' here. " Jack told the princess honestly, Katherine raising an eyebrow, an amused expression on her face.

" She's a goil. " Jack noticed her amusement, laughing, himself. Katherine nodded in mock relief, giggling. Katherine's sister, Lucille, whisked her way over. " Katherine, father said you needed to dance with other people. " before another word could be said, the girl took Jack away. Katherine rolled her eyes, hating how her sister couldn't stand to see her happy.

Jack Kelly was a name that would become very important to her.

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