Chapter Three

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" Hey, what's that? " a boy around Jack's age asked him, looking over his shoulder at the sketch that Jack was currently trying to finish. As soon as the boy realized that it was of Princess Katherine Pulitzer, he grinned. " I saw you two, you know? Dancing around? " and Jack moved away from the boy, wanting to rudely state that his actions were none of his business. However, he didn't. " What's your name? " he asked, instead of saying something rude.

" Linus Dexter, " the boy informed him, holding out a hand. Jack, after surveying his face for awhile, decided to like him. Linus did bare a resemblance to Crutchie, and Crutchie was about as nice as a guy could get. " Jack Kelly, " Jack told him, shaking his hand. Linus grinned.

" Oh! The leader! Newsboys Strike, right? " Linus asked, and Jack nodded, grinning back at him. " I'm from Harlem, " Linus told him. Jack actually felt good about seeing somebody from New York, because everyone else was from England or some other place full of hoity-toity's. " She's pretty, isn't she? " Linus gestured to the picture that Jack was sketching of Katherine. " Beautiful, " Jack agreed, " neva laid eyes on a prettier goil. " Linus nodded, nudging him.

" You two seemed to hit it off, huh? " he teased. Jack chuckled, shaking his head. A girl like Katherine could never go for a guy like him. She was a princess. A literal princess.

What chance did a newsie have with a princess?

A/N: This one was a filler. Sorry.

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