Hanji Zoe: A mear scout

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When the scouts came back inside the walls they were met with many angry family's and serious questions . What was the point if they didn't even finishing their formation? Not to mention all of the good scout and new recruits that were lost the commander was faced with a difficult situation. The scouts made the executive decision to postpone their next expedition. But this was far from despairing at the time. It allowed many of the surviving soldiers to reflect and grow closer with one another. Mike and Nanaba had met to talk with Erwin and the same spark that Hange had happened with them. Mike was far from a social person but there was always a good chance that he would be at Erwins right side. Same for Nanaba, the two had been fitting in with scout regiment perfectly because the were already regarded as more them reliable soldiers. Rico was the most hurt by the lost of her comrades so she wasn't apart of any group and continued to stay stand off ish.

After a couple months the scouts were moments from going back outside beyond their world again. What made Hange want to go back? Well she made a promise she had to keep. She also had immense trust  with her comrades. She wasn't willing to stay behind the walls scared. She was going to face the enemy, even if it would be the end of her. That's the only way living in this world made sense to her. She knows that's what her friends would have wanted her do. That's what they did.

The gate was lifting, Erwin on Hange's left and his squad further down. This time would be different, you couldn't see Hange's eyes in her glasses. Light reflected and all that could be seen was hatred and determination.

When the wall came up just like before Hange zoomed pasted a lot of people.
"Hange slow down"! Erwin yelled.
No response. Hange was already next to the commander. Shadis had somehow got a good amount of young soldiers following him since the last expedition.

He got distracted because Hange had completed broken away form the scouts and was going off in right at a fast pace on her horse.
"HANGE"! Mike yelled at her.
"What an idiot forget her no one should risk their life trying to save her". Rico said out loud.
Hange continued moving forward till she came across a titan without any hesitation she hooked on a tree spined around and cut the nape.
Another Titan was close by so she ran towards the monster. It had moved its Hands towards her quickly and just barely she hooked to a tree. It kept moving its arms so she had to be careful. She went for the nape. When she looked back it was still pursuing her. She had sliced the titans neck but not deep enough. She went for it again. Hange was struggling because it keep moving and she had to keep using gas.
"Would you hold still"? She said Frustrated.
She managed to kill it after another swipe. But when she went back on the ground she tripped on a large rock and fell hard. The heavy ODM gear she had one made it hurt even more.
She laid there for a second and was getting ready to get up but in front of her, Erwin alone was riding his horse fast towards her. He hopped off.

"HANGE....He looked around, what was the point of this?"
They both looked at each other.
Hange was still on the ground breathing heavily trying to catch her breath. She finally managed to say something.
" The scouts goal is to eliminate all threats outside the walls. If a soldier can even eliminate one monster then they will be doing humanity a favor. My life is expendable if I manage to die fighting for our freedom then it's a necessary sacrifice if we want our dream to- "

" HANGE". He then looked at the ground.
  "Your not wrong. In fact you may be right in most cases.... It's just that....what good would you do for us if you get killed taking down one or two titans.
  "Well.... It's just that-"

 It's just that-"

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