Chapter 5: What's bothering Julia?

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Julia sits in class, it's her 8th period.
She turns to look at Bowie, "where's MK?"
"She's sick, that's what happened when u bite people" Bowie says sarcastically
"Is she ok?"
Bowie turns raising an eyebrow, "Julia baker caring about someone? This is a moment in history!" Bowie laughs to himself
"I don't care, I just know that she has my social studies book and I don't want her getting her sick germs on it." Julia now sounds angry
Bowie realizes this and tries to tone down the bitchyness, "well, i did make her some soup, maybe you could run it over to her and get ur books while ur there?"
"Yeah whatever" Julia doesn't seem mad just frustrated and confused now
Even Bowie starts to worry

Julia has been having odd thoughts since she was young, those thoughts are girls, kissing girls, GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS!! But never boys.
Sure she's dated boys but did she like them? No, did they give her clout? Yes!
She suppressed these feelings deep down, feelings got her no where.
The problem is the feelings are starting again.
Julia walked home with Bowie and Emma next to her talking about hockey or something she didn't know she was zoned out.
Once they got home she grab the tub full of soup and a plastic spoon out of the fridge and walked out still just thinking
"Tell her I said Hii!" Emma says
Julia keeps walking, no reply
She shuts the door.
"I know it's Julia but she's worrying me, we've been going to this school for almost 2 months and yet no friends" "is this how my mother felt?" Bowie worriedly says
Julia knocks on the door to MK and Priyas dorm
Once the door opens a gust of cold wind hits her, this knocks her out of her robot state
"Hey Julia.. do u need something?" Said Priya standing there in sweats and a baggy blue jacket.
Julia peeks behind Priya to see Damien cooking in the background and Caleb on the couch fidgeting with pills and medicine.
"Uhm Im here to see Mk, why is ur house so cold" Julia's crosses her arms and walks in
"Our heater broke because someone got scared during Wii Fit and threw the controller at it." She turns her head giving Damien a look
"Anyways you wanted MK? She's in her room"
Julia walks through the cold house to MKs room
She looks down to see MK shivering on a pile of clothes and tightly holding a unicorn
Julia doesn't usually get concerned for others, but when someone looks like there on the verge of death she should probably do something.
She puts the soup down and picks up MK bridal style
MK rubs her eyes showing red puffy eyes
MK squints her eyes and giggles
"Woaaah a Angel" MK holds tighter to Julia with unicorn in other hand
Julia just looks down and rolls her eyes.
She walks out the room to the others
"I'm taking her back to mine where there's heat." She walks out not listening the others replies.
"And that's why I think we should go on a double da-" Bowies cut off to Julia opening the door
"Is she ok?" Bowie says says sitting up a bit worried
Julia just shrugs walking to her room
There she sets MK on her bed
MK tries to keep balance but just falls
"Ur a mess MK"
She only gets a groan in reply.
Julia walks over and sits down
Mk flips on her back to look up at Julia
"Why are u helping me.." Mk says
"You look like u needed it I guess"
MK sits up
Julia turns to face her
MK smirks and pulls Julia down
Mk wiggles around and wraps her arms around the tall blond.
Julia struggles to say words with her flustered face.
"Be quite I'm tryna sleep Theodore.." MK says giggling, she drifts off to sleep
That made Julia realize that MK thinks she's Theodore.. is that a good thing?
Julia accepts her fate as MKs new snuggle buddy and also drifts off..
This was made in a rush😭 im so sorry💀

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