Chapter 9:RISE N GRIND🗣️💪🏼🔥

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MK wasn't a social person, unless she was annoying someone for her own self worth. But right now she was sitting in the living room of her and Priya's dorm playing Mario Cart with Damien.
"UGHH HOW DO YOU ALWAYS WIN!?" Damien yells in awe.
"Oh Damien, a magician doesn't reveal his secrets" MK says smirking
It's really cause MKs a chronically online loser.
Damien's sighs as he sets down the controller, "where's pri?" He looks around
"I think her and Caleb are in the workout room." MK says getting up stretching
Damien hops up from the micro-fiber couch and walks to the larger room next to the kitchen, MK follows suit.
In the room Priya is seen on the treadmill running and reading(show off..)
And Caleb is wiping the sweat of his forehead while chugging his humongous jug of water.
Damien admires his gf smiling.. until he gets waited down from MK climbing on his shoulders, "MK what in the world are you doing" Damien asks this like this isn't a normal occurrence.
Mk wiggles while trying to stand up on the feeble man, "trying to see what it who I can bother" MK says giggling to herself.
"Your not gonna bother anyone Mary" Damien grabs the short prankster off his shoulders holding her by her armpits.
"MK," she corrects Damien "I'm not gonna bother your gifted burnt out girlfriend, I wanna bother big man" MK wiggles out Damien's grip.
Damien left her alone considering Priya adored MK and Caleb seemed to see her as a little sister or something
"*sigh* ok, I'm going to pick up Chick-fil-A Be right back." Damien walks out shutting the door.
MK likes her new found freedom and decides to do something with it. She makes eye contact with Caleb while he's putting his Headphones in, "hey Mary!"
Theres silence for a second until MK speaks up
"Watcha doooin??"
Caleb looks around as if it wasn't obvious, "working out ma- MK"
"Oooo sounds fun" Caleb couldn't tell if it was sarcasm but he took it as that.
MK walked over to caleb, "can you do a push-up?" MK asked smirking
Caleb didn't hold any suspicion to the question, all he took from it was an excuse to flex(his biggest red flag and his only)
He smiled back and got down
"One.." he pushed down and up
"Tw-" he was stopped at two when he felt extra weight on his back, he didn't stop doing the push up(MK weighed like 115 pounds and he could pull a yacht)
MK smacked Caleb's back "You got this pretty boy"
Caleb rolled his eyes smiling
MK sat there enjoying feeling like a queen, she whipped out her phone and set chris Chris Apple sauce playing CRK.
Priya walks over and sits besides them
MK Looks over, "hey priya"
"Hey MK, looks like your getting a work out!"
"Hell yeah I am!" She smacks Caleb's ass(GUYS AS A JOKE NOT SEXUAL. DONT CANCLE ME)
Priya gives MK a glare but eventually gives in and laughs a little, MK let's out a laugh as well
Damien walks in holding bags of food, "dinner!" He smiles.
Priya throws MK over her shoulder and carries her, Caleb walks behind them
MK Flips off Caleb with a grin on her chubby face
Caleb doesn't flip people off so he just gives her a look

Priya throws MK over her shoulder and carries her, Caleb walks behind themMK Flips off Caleb with a grin on her chubby faceCaleb doesn't flip people off so he just gives her a look________________

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It's upgraded..
Also can y'all tell me for spelling mistakes I'm to lazy to look for myself

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