The boy who created a new world

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Rui was always a creator

   Since he was a young boy, he always wanted to make something that made people look at him. He craved attention like a sick man.

   When he was young, he cut himself with a piece of metal by accident. Everyone was worried, they spent the next ten minutes comforting him. Rui was always coddled. That's what being an only child was.

   That's why he took an interest in the boy down the street. He ever left the house much, probably because his sister was sick and always in the hospital. Rui dreamed of them becoming friends. They would go to the park, get ice cream together, and go to his house for dinner.

   The boys name was....He didn't actually know his name. Rui just saw him as he did the people in TV. The boy was like a character for him. Rui had imagined a whole future for someone he didn't know.

   "Rui! It's time for breakfast!"

   His mother always tried to wake him up.
He was busy dreaming of this world he made up in his head. It was entirely black and white. The only color being the slightly yellowish hue of the newspaper that never seemed to say any Real words. It was entirely gibberish. Maybe he has to decode what it said?

   Rui always looked different every time he came to his special world. Sometimes he had a suit. Sometimes he didn't have a face, sometimes he didn't even have hands.

   It was only till years later Rui found out the boy next doors name. His name was Tsukasa Tenma. Him and his family were moving to a house closer to the children's hospital so they didn't have to spend so much gas and money driving to the hospital. His obsession over the boy has definitely calmed down over the years and turned into Rui just wanting to get to know him.

   Tsukasa was beautiful. He had golden blonde hair. It was soft and short unlike Rui's overgrown and and messy hair. He barely brushed it. He only brushed it the very few times he went to in person school. Which, was once every month but that's besides the point.

That's why when they were in the same home room together in high school, he was over the fucking moon. He felt strange when he looked at Tsukasa. He felt like whenever he looked at him he wanted to shoot himself in the skull. Which, he could technically do. His parents trusted him when they really shouldn't.

Tsukasa made him want to die. The sick thing was, he enjoyed every second of it. He wanted to hold Tsukasa's soft hands. How did he know they were soft? He didn't. He was assuming. He wanted to whisper empty 'I love yous' in passing period. And god damn, he would make sure it happened.

To bad he didn't care enough to even go to school. He had his special little world. Just for him.

"We, with our sickening hearts," ||RUIKASA||Where stories live. Discover now