Therapy sounds like a good idea

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(TW: Self-harm

Short chapter cause I didn't have much else to add for this chapter lmao)

    For a couple of weeks now, Rui had been going to school more often. Only to see Tsukasa of course, Tsukasa was his inspiration. If he woke up in his body he wouldn't be all that mad. He was the perfect student. He was smart, everyone loved him, he was just perfect. He was everything Rui wanted to be.

    Tsukasa changed Rui's life. Rui quite literally lived to dream of him. Whenever he looked at his cut-up wrists, he told himself that Tsukasa would be the only person to ever love him. And Tsukasa didn't even know he existed.

     Tsukasa was the reason he hadn't killed himself if he was being completely honest. Rui has been planning his suicide for months. He Had had the letters all written out. He had everything ready however, his plans were put on hold for a very special person.

    Rui wanted Tsukasa to love him. They didn't even know each other, Maybe Rui's daydreaming manipulated him into thinking they were friends.

     Despite being a self-harm addicted freak, Rui always dreamed of the more romantic parts of relationships. He wanted to kiss Tsukasa's hands, his face, his neck, fuck he was pathetic.

Rui cut his wrists, watching as the blood spilled out. It was disgusting. It hurt. Something about seeing the blood made him smile. Yeah, it was sick, but so was he. At least, that's what his therapist said to his mom. That's what happens when you try to stab yourself with safety scissors at six years old I guess.

     Rui wanted someone to feed into his delusions, he wanted someone to pour alcohol on his fresh wounds, he wanted to be hated and loved all at the same time, and he wanted someone to help him plan his suicide. Rui knew his dream would come true eventually maybe, if he tried hard enough he would ask Tsukasa out on the days he went to school. After all, Rui's the main character. The main characters always get what they want in the end.


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