Chapter Three: The Show

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I watched as my son, almost 10 years old, put his dishes away before he turned to me. "Mom. Do you think Dad and Grandpa Wayne are together somewhere?"

I couldn't help the ache in my chest at the question, but I nodded my head anyway. "Your dad, Uncle Dustin, and Grandpa Wayne are all together and Dustin and your dad are definitely playing DnD." I say softly my heart is aching at this line of questions, but I imagine the finality of death is hard for a 10 year old to grasp.

"Do you think they'd be proud of us?" He asks, sitting between Steve and I.

"They definitely would be so proud of both of you." Steve says cupping the back of his head. "Why don't I read tonight's chapter?"

"Ok! I'll change into PJs." He says before running off upstairs. We lived in Steve's house since I found out that my parents were partly to blame for the openings into the upside down. They were part of the reason I was raising Eddie's son without him.

"It's going to be ok." Steve says putting a hand on my shoulder to which I covered his hand and gave a weak smile.

"I'm ready!" My son called and both Steve and I headed upstairs.

Once he was tucked in Steve began reading.

                                                       Chapter 3: The Show

It was Tuesday afternoon which meant Eddie was playing with Corroded Coffin tonight and she was hanging out with him until he had to leave for work. She was getting guitar lessons when there was a knock at the trailer door. Eddie got up to answer it and the venom in his voice when he asked 'what are you doing here' was enough to alarm her.

"Is that anyway to greet your old man?" came a voice she didn't recognize, but the words told her exactly who it was. She was about to meet Alan Munson. "Are you going to let me in?"

Eddie glanced at her with a look that seemed to say 'I'm sorry' before he stepped back and let him in. Eddie frowned behind his back and let the door slam. "What do you want, dad?"

"First who is this?" He asked, looking at her. He chuckled when she introduced herself, but didn't stand to shake his hand, "Well, Darling, it's nice to meet you. I'm Al Munson; Eddie's dad." he says before looking at him, "Can we talk privately?"

"She's my girlfriend. You can say anything you want in front of her." Eddie said plainly and crossed his arms over his chest. She had never seen this man annoyed or defensive before, but here he was. Both things at once.

"Is she your new partner in crime?" He teases and she stood up walking over and hugging Eddie's waist.

"Something like that." She said, giving a sickeningly sweet smile at the man in front of her. She didn't like him already; there was something about him that she didn't trust at all. Something that screamed 'I'm bad news.'

He looked impressed by her gumption and nodded, "Well I've got a line on another job that we could..."

"No." Eddie interrupted in a stern voice. "No more jobs. No more junior. Just no more, Dad. I've got my life on track and I'm not letting you knock it off again. How'd you even know where to find me?"

"Well the house burned down and I haven't heard your name on the radio so I figured you'd be here. What happened to music?" Al asked as he looked at her then Eddie, "and the other girl?"

"Oh I wonder what could have possibly happened. My father lied to me, the men we stole from tracked us down, then proceeded to burn down my house with my mother's records, shoot a cop, and you then take off and leave me holding the bag." He snaps and sighs heavily. "I'm not helping you. If that's why you came here, you can leave now." Eddie sounded more annoyed than angry which was a good thing even if she knew he was teeming with anger.

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