Chapter 9. A New Life

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Ash and Serena had a fantastic wedding reception. Both are tired and can't wait for their first night home, they got a new house which their family sorted out for them
"What a day! I'm grateful that our families sorted this all out for us!"
"Me too! What did you want to do tonight as our first night as husband and wife? You hungry?"
"Yes I'm so hungry, I want steak and eggs!"
"Alright, anything for you my handsome champion!"
While Serena goes to the kitchen to prepare dinner for them both, Ash goes upstairs to wash up.
Whilst Ash was in the shower he was thinking about something "(You know I may not have caught all of the Pokémon but I caught the best thing of all, an amazing woman! It's not every day you meet someone as amazing as her, it's not every day that you get to marry someone like that either)"
Ash finishes his shower and puts on clean pajamas and goes back downstairs in time for his dinner.
"It's almost ready Ash!"
"Smells great, Sere!"
Serena blushes "Sere? I gotta say I love the nickname you gave me, Ashy"
Ash chuckles scratching his cheek
They sit down in the dining room to eat their dinner and spoke about the day.
"What an amazing day! I can't believe the amazing things everyone said today!"
"Not to mention all the delicious food as well!"
"I see someone has been struck by Cupid"
"Oh yeah, Max has had a thing for Bonnie for a while, he's finally plucked the courage to ask her out and he was so upfront about that, the amount of confidence he showed!"
"I know right?"
Later on Ash and Serena go up to the bedroom for a bit of you know what.

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