-Pt. 3 / Realized.

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It was morning and the birds were chirping
You slowly woke up from your bed

Your memories were fuzzy, but was CERTAIN that you dreamed that night.

How? Well, it was actually somewhat possible, there are some rare cases that a grown up Sumerian did dream again- but you never thought that person would be YOU

When was the last time you dreamed? Maybe when it was your 7th birthday- okay this wasn't important.

The thing that bothered you the most, wasn't the fact that you had a dream

Who was she?
You never recalled talking or even spotting someone like her

Her figure was foggy, but you could kinda tell that she had a unique appearance

And for the information she literally spat at you- you weren't stupid enough to think she was just some normal person.

She literally asserted herself that she was the Sumeru Archon.

Sure anyone could have thought that person was just messing with you, but this was different

She was literally in your dream.
So you had no choice but to believe her.

'But you can refer to me as Kusanali.'

But what about 'Greater Lord Rukkhadevata'?

Did the goddess have another name that you never heard of?

Why was Her Holiness in the dream of some mere mortal like you?

You sighed loudly and groggily got out of bed having so much questions.

Luckily this day was one of those rare days that you don't have work
And going to the Akademiya was your own choice too

You decided to visit one of your recently-made friends to clear up your mind

He does attend the Akademiya, but lives secluded near the desert so that means you had to walk all the way there.

Getting ready, you picked up your Akasha Terminal- which you wore all the time, and sticked it back to your ear

You heard that this device was made by something extraordinary, but you never got a chance to ask or clarify it.

Since the friend of yours didn't work part-time like you do, you assumed it was fine to visit him any time at any day

You dragged yourself through the green forest while chugging down a bottle of water you brought.

You haven't even reached the sandy part yet you were dying

Maybe you should've stayed home and rest?

After what felt like an eternity, you finally reached your friend's doorstep and knocked weakly

A few seconds later, the door swung opened revealing a male- with dark green hair with light green streaks at the end of his short hair, grinning at you

The most particular thing was that he had long pointy black fox ears stretching out of his head with a fluffy tail like a cherry on top.

When you first met him at the Akademiya, you were honestly surprised, but didn't express it because you didn't want to look rude

While talking, you couldn't help but stare at his ears above which your friend took the hint and answered your inner questions.

He said that his ancestors were related to a Fennec fox, and that also answered why he never swet in the desert

100 years. / Faruzan x Male!Reader [Genshin Impact]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora