cassie chan -vallerte

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Turbo pink two , in space pink
Zords wind chaser (turbo ) wind rescue rescue zord (in space )
Married carlos vallerte march 27 , 2000
Samatha vallerte
Carlos vallerte (husband )
Tj johnson
Emma gilbert johnson
Ashley hammond
Charlotte hammond
Ryan Mitchell
Karone Mitchell
Justin stewart
Donna quinn stewart
Tommy oliver
Kimberly hart oliver
Emma goodall
Erik hart oliver
Zack taylor
Tanya sloane taylor
Rocky desantos
Katherine hillard desantos
Adam park
Kira ford park
Troy burrows
Gia moran holing
Noah carver
Jake holling
Alpha 6
Cassie gets her ranger key from emma goodall
Cassie fights with in space pink
Cassie and carlos had thier first date July 2 1997
Cassie and carlos got engaged on november 14 1998
Cassie plays guitar in lihanna chase -carson's band
Cassie retired from music when samantha was born until lihanna convinced her to come back
Cassie 's best ranger friend is Ashley hammond
Cassie is the godmother of charlotte hammond Ashley and andros ' daughter
Cassie and carlos got married after the events of to the tenth power while kendrix was still dead
Cassie and kendrix reunited in  endgame
Cassie and carlos were the last on thier team to arrive andros and Ashley were first
Cassie and carlos almost didn't get married after kendrix died
Cassie blamed herself for awhile after kendrix died for her
Cassie kissed tj before she married carlos as reveled by emma Gilbert johnson in endgame
Cassie says her true love is carlos
Cassie and carlos named thier daughter samantha after carlos' sister her middle name is lee after cassie 's mother
Cassie and carlos are the first black -pink rangers to get married Tommy and Kimberly were the actual first but Tommy got the black dino gem after he and Kimberly were already married chase randall and tenaya 7 after them

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