jack landors

8 0 0

Spd red ranger
Zord delta runner 1
Married vida rocca october 15 2007
Vida rocca landors (wife )
Madison rocca bly (sister in law )
Xander bly (brother in law)
Z Delgado cook
Samara cook Delgado
Sky tate
Tenaya 7
Sydney drew tate Kendall
Lucas Kendall
Adam park
Kira ford park
Connor McKnight
Cassidy cornell McKnight
Ethan james
Trent mercer
Gabrielle sanchez mercer
Commander cruger
Kat manx
Jack became the third red ranger to marry a pink ranger
Jack and vida had the shortest ranger courtship
Jack chose z to be his best woman for his and vida's wedding
Jack retired from being the red ranger giving the title to sky
Jack was called in to the fight by Tommy
Jack and vida arrived together
Jack trains with team red
Jack and vida went to briarwood to set up the power ranger network created by Billy cranston
Jack and vida dated two months before getting married
Jack proposed to vida on thier first date

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