Joel rawlings

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Lightspeed rescue green
Zords aero rescue 3 . rail rescue 3 omegazord 3
Married angela fairweather rawlings on october 27 2001
Jay rawlings
Marbelle rawlings
Angela fairweather rawlings (wife )
Carter greyson
Dana mitchell greyson
Chad lee
Sophia winters lee
Miles vickers
Kelsey winslow vickers
Ryan Mitchell
Karone Mitchell
Leo Corbett
Maya Corbett
Mike Corbett
Samantha Nichols Corbett
Kai chen
Lilly cranston chen
Damon henderson
Violet Corbett henderson
Billy cranston
Kendrix morgan cranston
Morgan cranston
Wes collins
Jen scotts collins
Thomas collins
Oliver collins
Katie walker
Lucas Kendall
Sydney drew tate Kendall
Joel was the first ranger to marry a mentor merrick baliton was second
Joel married aleast two ranger couples carter and dana and chad and sophia
Joel and angela's son james "jay" rawlings was born october 3 2003 thier daughter marbelle was born July 6 2007
Joel and angela had thier first date may 2 2000
Joel and angela got engaged november 2 2000
Joel and angela were legally married during the team up with time force
Joel 's best ranger friend is damon henderson
Joel and angela were called in by carter greyson to the fight
Joel works a a plane stuntman
Joel is also a trained pilot and flies the aircraft for Tommy oliver and Kimberly hart oliver
Joel and tommy butt heads sometimes but still remain friendly
Joel and lucas Kendall form an alliance with ethan james dino thunder blue

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