merrick baliton

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Wild force sliver \ zen aku
Zord. Wolf zord , hammerhead shark , alligator
Married princess shayla october 2 2002
Willow baliton
Princess shayla (wife )
Willow baliton (daughter /animal force silver)
Cole evans
Fiona coyne evans
Liam evans
Max cooper
Emily st John -cooper
Danny Delgado
Alyssa Delgado
Wes collins
Jen scotts collins
Thomas collins
Oliver collins
Eric myers
Taylor myers
Victoria myers
Lillth myers
Katie walker
Lucas kendall
Sydney drew tate Kendall
Merrick was the second sixth ranger to marry a mentor Joel rawlings is the first
Merrick and shayla 's daughter willow was born march 3 2004
Merrick attends the ceremony for animal force with shayla
Merrick presents his daughter with his lone wolf jacket at the ceremony
Merrick is the second male wolf ranger after Billy after him is rj james , then dillon
Merrick and shayla got married on the animarmium
Merrick is 30021 years old and immortal
Merrick arrives first of his team
Merrick is second in command for team sliver

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