Mission 29

106 13 3


Fucking brat! Did I call you here? You came alone by your own choice, and now you're insulting me. Wait until your father gets into my hand. I will pay all this back.

"He is cute tho when he is mad." My mind called out when I was cursing him.

At night

I got dressed after dinner and went to Dunk's room. If I go alone, then his father will doubt. I knock on his door.

"Come in," I get inside.

"Let's go," I said

"Wow. Come to take me, why?" He asked, raised his one eyebrow.

"I don't want your dad to suspect me," I replied.

"Ok. Let's go. " We headed to our bikes and went separately. Yeah, together, but still separately.


"No one is here," Dunk said.

"Let's sit. They will be here. " I patted beside me. He sits on the opposite.


"Hey." After some time, I hear Phuwin's voice.

"Hi." Phuwin sits beside Dunk and Pond beside me. In some minutes, everyone gathered. We start our meeting.

"If any of us get hurt, we will lock them for some time then take care of them."

"You need men for it?" Pawin asked.

"No way. It's our work and no outsider, not even our trustworthy men, " Pond said.

"You sure we will survive with their men?" Chimon asked.

"We have to. We will have guns and any type of weapons we need, " I said.

"If any of us die?" Marc asked out of nowhere.

"No one will die till I will be locked," Dunk said.

"He is right. They will not hurt you, right?" Perth asked.

"They will if we do. Especially my mom. She can do everything for herself." Marc said

"Really? What about you? " Pawin asked.

"No matter who is it. Don't forget I have a brother so she will not regret killing me. "

We discussed more about our plan and about Kirin and Keen. They are so heartless. Of course, what I hope from the. We take our leave to our house. Dunk was so quiet. I can guse he is guilty. Of course, he has to be. His father is the killer of our parents, so why not? But he is sad for his past.

I was very disappointed to hear how his father always punished him for low grades for going out to make friends. I feel sorry for him. Now I know why he is so hurt because of me.

He likes me, don't he? I mean, before all of this, when he knows Joong. He strat to like me and I cane out like this. He deserves better. He deserves better. He really deserves a sorry.

"Dunk?" I called him after we parked our bikes.


"Um.. Nothing. Good night. " I don't have the dare to say sorry. What should I say. Sorry, cause I feel bad for you.

"Urr." He left to his room.

Trip day

"Marc, where are you?" Dunk called Marc angrily.

"Here here. Let's go, " Marc said, catching his breath.

"You are always late." Dunk rolled his eyes and went to the car.

"I am a little bit scared," Dunk whispers to Marc.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine." Marc said.

"If something bad happened?"

"Nothing bad will happen. Don't think too much bro" Marc said, consoling him

"What are you whispering? Do any of you get a faen?" Keen asked

"No, mom. It's nothing. Just some chitchat, " Marc replied

They chitchat their whole way.

They take rest after reaching there. Dunk takes his phone after an hour.

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Are you here yet?


Good then

I am scared

Don't be a kid, Dunk. We have to do it.

Everything will be fine, ok?


Dana called everyone for dinner. They had dinner there at the beach. Dunk talked with Marc before paying a visit to the beach.

It was night, so his parents and the others had already left their room. Dunk walked around the beach. when someone called him. He turned around and saw Joong.

"Hey," Joong said

"Joong. I am scared, " Dunk said in a shivering voice.

"Dunk. Look at me. Trust me for just once. Everything will be fine, ok?" Joong said in a soft voice. Dunk nodded.

"Now, smell this."

"What? Why? You can take me without making me unconscious, " Dunk said, confused.

"We just want to make it look real. You will not die because of this"

"Okh." Dunk smells the napkin, then falls in Joong's arms.

"What an obedient child. Cutie, you will be alright, don't worry, " Joong said, then carried Dunk in bridal style to the car. He came alone to take him.

Chimon driped some water on Dunk's face, who is lying on a bed. Dunk open his eyes slightly.

"Dad came?" Dunk asked fast.

"Not yet, but they were informed. They will be here in no time. Let's take positions, " Phuwin said.

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