To catch a dream

17 3 1

The Crown Prince paces impatiently in front of the large desk inside of his study. Yanli sips her tea smiling softly while Wei Ying naps, stretched out on the floor surrounded by a large pile of pillows in various colors and shapes.

" Gods, how much longer is this going to take?"

Yanli chuckles placing her cup down on the table, glancing at her sleeping little sister who is snuggling with her sleeping five year old nephew, she looks at her brother with a mischievous smirk.

" Little brother relax, the results take time. If I had not known any better it would seem you are more anxious than the mother to be!"

Jiang Cheng huffs before throwing himself down into his chair, wiping his face with both hands. The solid gold and Diamond Swiss watch glinting on his wrist.

" Jie, I'm anxious. Of course I'm anxious! As a man and Alpha I have to rely on my baby sister to secure my throne? Do you know how fucking helpless I feel right now? You had to marry into that disgusting family just so we could have their support, and now A-Ying who is still basically a baby herself has to have a baby for me? I really want to rip my heart heart and throw it at those mongrel's feet!"

Yanli glances at their little sister, feeling sadness flood her heart. It's true, their journey and path has been everything but pleasant. Majority of their life living in hiding and basically kept as prisoner's in their own home just to not be assassinated or held for ransom. The death's of their parents leaving a lasting impact and the one to suffer the most being A-Ying because she was too young to remember their parents.

Jiang Cheng sigh's, picking up the photo of their parents. Their mother, Queen Cangse and her two husband's and King Consorts. Jiang Fengmian and Wei Changze, each handsome in their own right as well as powerful pure blood Alphas and true bond mates of the Queen which is a rare happenstance.

Everyone whispered that the two men hated each other, but in actuality that was the complete opposite. Both Fengmian and Changze were close like blood brother's and madly in love with their omega wife. They treated their children the same, and since Changze only fathered the one child, Cangse added both surnames to make a point.

Regardless of the outcome, the baby will be my heir and once I ascend the throne no one will ever threaten us again.

Yanli shivers at the dark glint in her brother's eyes. Knowing full well what he meant, she could only take comfort in his words because he has protected them thus far. Having to grow up fast and learn to be ruthless to survive the palace politics and traps seeking to take their lives.

" Your highness, Princess, the results are in. Should I wake the junior highness?"

" No, let her sleep!"

With shaking hands, Jiang Cheng opens the envelope. The scent of lily and warm
Honey with an undercurrent of burned molasses fills the air, Yanli is in distress.

He carefully opens the letter and reads, never taking his eyes away from the words.

Placing the letter down he blows out the air sitting in his chest.

" Jie calm down, everything is fine. We will be having a nephew!"

A loud squeal causes the two sleeping figures to stir, Yanli immediately covers her mouth watching her son pop his head up, ponytail frizzled and askew as he looks at her then his Jiu Jiu before laying back down nuzzling underneath his aunt's chin.

A soft murmer falls from the omega lips.

" More chili oil please!"

The two elder siblings hold their laughter, how typical.

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