What a pretty nightmare

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The Lan family estate sits on top of a mountain, established dating back to what some call the ancient era.  The founding ancestor was a young monk traveling the world and after seeing the many disastrous ailments afflicting the suffering, he made a decision to build a sanctuary.  A resolute aid to the people as a protector and comforter, and so cloud recesses was established.

Many referred to it as a paradise on earth, offering a calm and peaceful respite for those seeking to turn away from the world. 

And as time went on, the monks and disciples became scholars.  Practicing meditation, musical cultivation and a better way of life, the cities started to flourish and the villagers prospered.

After the Emperor received word of the honorable deeds and accomplishments made by this monk, he granted the Lan family nobility and awarded them titles along with positions to become his advisors.  He also gifted the entire mountain, and the ten surrounding villages, towns and cities to the monk as his fiefdom thus establishing the Gusu Lan clan, sect and family.

The Emperor being wise beyond his years, sought to established a solid rule for his son. The current Crown Prince and so he made sure to surround the future ruler with a strong alliance and backing.

The country's most promising and strongest supporters being the upcoming youth.

When the day came that the Emperor, was called back to the heavens. The new Dragon took the throne and brought along his best fierce and wise warriors, becoming fortified and not able to be breached.

The land continued to grow underneath the young Emperor's reign, and one day his good merits pleased the heavens so much that he was gifted with  two children, An Alpha son, as handsome as his father and a beautiful female omega child, both blessed by the goddess Luna.

When the Crown Prince turned 17 and while touring the neighboring countries he met his fated pair, a beautiful omega from a foreign land traveling with her parents who were merchants.

Bewildered and in love at first sight the crown prince renounced his rightful place as the next Emperor and chose to follow after his mate. His parents understanding granted him as the Imperial first prince.

And so The Emperor appointed his second child as the first Crown Princess, Cangse Sanren!

The Emperor and Empress were so delighted, however it was unheard of for a female to rule so the Emperor set a precedent.  His daughter shall become Queen and her mate the King Consort and any offspring born out of that Union shall take the King Consort's name and remain as the next standing heir.  Should a Male Alpha be born then he would become the next Emperor.

The Crown Princess defied the norms and was blessed to have not one but two true bonded mates, the young master from the Jiang clan, Jiang Fengmian who had two beautiful children with the princess. The first child a pretty beta female and the second child a domineering Alpha son that took so much after his father with lilac colored eyes.

A year after the little prince was born the Crown Princess met her Second mate, A very handsome and adventurous Alpha from the Yiling clan, Wei Changze.

The three ruled in a beautiful and fruitful harmonious Union, until one day several reports came in regarding the northern border cities being afflicted with flooding.

The two King Consorts dispatched aid to be sent and all the granaries opened, there were to be a total of ten teams. Five to report for assessing the damage and rebuilding, three to supervise over the medical support and the remaining two were to patrol and be prepared in case anyone decided to rise to the occasion and attack the city.

The main general Wen Rhohan was given control over the entire group.

When his betrayed was revealed the day the entire city was ransacked and destroyed, it came as a sudden blow to the ruling monarchs.

The young Empress had just given birth to her third child, and because of some complications she had to remain bedridden.

Jiang Fengmian decided to lead the armies to put a quick end to the Wen's bloody war, and against Wei Changze's wishes forced the new father to stay with their mate and pups.

The war lasted two years, The Empress slowly recovering and King Wei Changze both ruling and guarding within the capital and palace.

" Your Majesty, Meishan Yu has defeated and joined the ranks under the Wen banner. His Majesty Jiang engaged in direct battle with their Mistress and current head of the clan Yu Ziyuan."

Wei Changze closed his eyes, fearing the worst he slowly breaths in throes his nose and exhales from his parted lips. He could still feel the link through their shared bond but it was starting to get weaker day by day.

" It's of no surprise, A-Mian was previously engaged to their first mistress. The arrangement set up by his parents prior to him being born, the Meishan Yi clan felt insulted when that arrangement was broken after He laid eyes on Se'r."

Whipping around the long black and gold voluminous robes fanned around the King Consort graciously like billowing clouds.

Everyone could see the handsome features marred by the red rimmed silver eyes filled with worry.

" A-Mian? How is he?"

Wei Changze's voice trembles with emotion, scent spiking with petrichor and musk.

" Your Majesty, King Fengmian defeated the Meishan and Wen Faction, suffering minor injuries only. He also sent word to inform you of the Lan, Nie and Jin families also defecting and joining the ranks!"

Wei Changze grips the silver clarity bells tied to his waist, a gift given by Jiang Fengmian that he personally crafted as a token of his clan's appreciation for his bond brother.

It is as if death itself is breathing down his back, he could not shake this feeling of despair, whatever may lie in the future he can only pray that the gods show mercy for their children.

" Whatever may come will come! Notify me right away once his Majesty reaches the palace. Send more guards to the nursery and not one word of this reaches her Majesty am I clear!"

The room is dismissed, the skies began to look more stormier as the days passed by.

Lan Zhan wakes up gasping for breath, the sheets soaked with soak and the air stifling.

The same dream. With the same blood curdling screams, figures blurred behind long white curtains obscuring his view.

He reeks with anger and discontent, so like any other night when he is plagued with those dreams he heads to the shower then to drown himself in wine.

The fire place has the room hot enough to cook an egg, but it suits him just fine.

No wanting to brace the chill to head to the cold springs, he settles for sitting in the large chair slowly wiping the handcrafted sword that has kept him company through this youth when his father first presented it to him.

The first time he had to take a life, the day the enemies ambushed him and his brother on their walk back home from school. Two young boys, innocent and not aware of the value their very being would add to someone looking for a quick rise of power.

Their parents kept them shielded and the world created for the two princes of Gusu is one filled with peaceful landscapes and strict scholarly practices.

That facade was shattered in a moment of seconds, Lan Huan because of the pheromones being shoved into his nose by the cloth covering his face went into his first rut and shifted.

Little Lan Zhan was already familiar with lessons taught by Shifu and the Gusu lan teachers, but nothing could have prepared him for the monstrous sized white werewolf standing on two legs with razor sharp claws thick enough to slice through metal.

It was a bloodbath, Lan Huan fought ferociously attacking and devouring the assassins but he was a young pup still and not fully into his strength. 

The effects of the pheromones brought with it an onslaught of dizziness and confusion.

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