Part 6 Dear Mother

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[NOTE: Happy mother's day everybody, today's special part comes in with some LORE, this part was pubblished on 3/25/2024]

(An unexpected reveal is about to happen, someone we could never expect)

*Both Predacon sides enter another ancient underground city from two different locations*

Scorponok: sir, are you sure Aldo and his autobots won't intercept us?

Beast Megatron: ofc not! Tarantulas was smart enough to make a signal hider, our energy signatures will remain hidden....

Terrorsaur: lemme guess, as long as we don't make noise, we have nothing to worry about

Beast Megatron: that -_-

Blackarachnia: and what about thoese other Predacons?

Beast Megatron: as long as they don't bother us....we shall not bother them.....

Inferno: btw royalty, what exactly are we looking for?

Beast Megatron: Tarantulas was able to decode a file, that extrene sources of power we're hidden away in remote locations of this dimension......

Inferno: but why? Are you saying this reality could be a....mashup anomaly??

Beast Megatron: it could be a possibility yes....but i'm not so certain about this.....

*the Beast Predacons arrive into a temple, only to be met with the other Predacons*

The Fallen: well well well....

Ranger Huntress: look who it is....

Beast Megatron:'re the "impostors" i've heard so much about....

The Fallen: leave this reality at once....or be destroyed like the heroes....

Beast Megatron: *chuckle* how adorable....the impostors think they're scary

*the Beast Predacons laugh*

The Fallen: let's show them what we can truly do.....

Ranger Huntress: you're read my mind.....

*The Fallen morphs into Lord Drakkon and Ranger Huntress morphs into Ranger Slayer as the Beast Predacons turn into their robot modes and begin fighting, shooting blasts left and right, completly ignoring the chaos*

*just then, one of the walls get blasted down*

Waspinator: huuuh???

*Amy jumps in, morphed into the SPD Pink Ranger SWAT mode*

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*Amy jumps in, morphed into the SPD Pink Ranger SWAT mode*

Amy: mind if we crash the party?

Amy: mind if we crash the party?

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