Part 12 Cold return

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[NOTE: this part may contain SPOILERS from Godzilla x Kong the new empire, read at your own risk]

(The Darksiders leftovers have relocated one of their recent superweapons, one with the power to throw the world into chaos, more specifically, into an Ice Age)

Location: Hawaii, USA, near Mauna Loa volcano
Time: 12:36 PM

*Starscream and Shockwave arrive at the Mauna Loa volcano*

Starscream: Shockwave, why did you bring me here?

Shockwave: to show you that i have located and recaptured one of our recent but strongest assests

Starscream: go ahead.....

*Shockwave leads Starscream inside the lava chamber of the volcano*

Shockwave: she is....

*Two blue glowing eyes emerge from the cave*

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*Two blue glowing eyes emerge from the cave*

Starscream: no way.......

*the primordial titan,  Shimo walks out of the cave, while being kept in chains*

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*the primordial titan, Shimo walks out of the cave, while being kept in chains*

Starscream: Shimo......

Shockwave: and that's not all....i've been able to identify the object Lord Megatron used to control her

Starscream: wait a minute, HER?! You mean-

Shockwave: that's right Starscream, Shimo is a female

Starscream: i see......and with what object did they control her?

Shockwave: this one

*Shockwave reveals a large blue glowing crystal in a vault*

Starscream: interesting......

Shockwave: apparently, Shimo's frostbite blast is so powerful, it can cause the Ice Age, and freeze anything we want

Starscream: and lemme guess, as long as we have that crystal....the beast is under our control

Shockwave: correct

*Shimo trashes a bit as she is forced to do things against her will and the crystal is causing her pain*

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