Part 9 Heart of gold

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(With a new enemy in the background, it's time to re-activate one of the strongest connections to the morphin grid, the gold powers)

(With a new enemy in the background, it's time to re-activate one of the strongest connections to the morphin grid, the gold powers)

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*we sneak into a refinery, where our drones detected Predacon acitvity*

Amy: which Predacons would even target refinieries?

Me: most likely the Beast Preds....but it could be the Darksiders.......

Rosie: what or whoever it is....we can take care of em.....

*we hear a snake rattle behind us*

Shine: uh oh 😨

Quickshot: what?

*a shot of acid nearly hits us but knocks us down instead*

Rosie: the heck was that?!

Rosie: the heck was that?!

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(Art by Prime-101)

*the last Beast Predacon Quickstrike emerges*

Quickstrike: howdy y'all!

Shine: Quickstrike?!

Quickstrike: that's right....remember me Shine? Afterall, you're the one who severaly damaged my old body!!

Shine: so you're a triple changer now huh?

Quickstrike: yesss! Do you like my new cobra mode?

Shine: eh, seen better

Quickstrike: why you little

Shine: *turns to us* i got this one crew!

*just then, we turn around to see the other Beast Predacons arrive*

Beast Megatron: ah Autobots, so nice to see you again

Amy: if it's a fight you're looking'll get one....

*we clash the Beast Predacons, but one of Quickstrike's acid spits accidentally hits one of the refinery's generators*

Quicksrike: uh oh 😬😳

*we quickly teleport away as the refinery blows sky high*

Rosie: thank god it was in an.....remote area

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